Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
PR2296.L6 (INTERNET) |
The historie of ane nobil and wailzeand squyer, William Meldrum, vmquhyle Laird of Cleische and Bynnis The tragical death of Dauid Beato[n] Bishoppe of sainct Andrewes in Scotland whereunto is ioyned the martyrdom of maister George Wyseharte gentleman, for whose sake the aforesayed bishoppe was not long after slayne : wherein thou maist learne what a burnynge charitie they shewed not only towards him : but vnto al suche as come to their hades for the blessed Gospels sake. Ane dialog betuix Experience and ane Courteour off the miserabyll estait of the warld / The godly mans iourney to heauen containing ten seuerall treatises. Viz. 1. An heauenly chariot the first part. 2. An heauenly chariot the second part. 3. The blessed chariots man. 4. The lanthorne for the chariot. 5. The skilfull chariot driuer. 6. The gard of the chariot. 7. The sixe robbers of the chariot. 8. The three rocks layd in the way. 9. The only inne Gods babes aime at. 10. The guests of the inne / |
4 |
PR2296.L6 S68 1683 | [The history of the noble and valiant Squyer Meldrum] | 2 |
PR2296.L6 W67 1569 | [The warkis of the famous and vorthie knicht Schir Dauid Lyndesay] | 1 |
PR2296.L6 W67 1597 | [The warkis of the famous and vorthie [sic] knicht Schir David Lyndesay of the Mont] | 1 |
PR2296.L6 W67 1656 | The vvorks of the famous and worthy Knight, Sir David Lindesay of the Mount, alias Lyon, King of Armes | 2 |
PR2296.L6 W67 1683 | The vvorks of the famous and worthy knight, Sir David Lindsay of the Mount, alias Lyon, King of Armes newly corrected and vindicat from the former errors wherewith they were corrupted : and augmented with sundry works &c. | 2 |
PR2296.L6 Z677 1994 | Court and culture in Renaissance Scotland : Sir David Lindsay of the Mount / | 1 |
PR2296 .L75 1607 | Linceus spectacles. | 1 |
PR2296.L75 (INTERNET) |
Nothing for a nevv-yeares gift Nihil ext ex onmi parte beatum / The faire Æthiopian Dedicated to the King and Queene. By their Maiesties most humble subiect and seruant, / |
2 |
PR2296.L8 (INTERNET) |
Certaine Englishe verses presented vnto the Queenes most excellent Maiestie, by a courtier : in ioy of the most happie disclosing, of the most dangerous conspiracies pretended by the late executed traitours, against her royall person, and the whole estate. The gushing teares of godly sorrovv containing the causes, conditions, and remedies of sinne, depending mainly upon contrition and confession : and they seconded, with sacred and comfortable passages, under the mourning cannopie of teares, and repentance / The ivbile of Britane The tragicocomedie of serpents An epitaph vpon the death of the honorable, syr Edward Saunders Knight, Lorde cheefe Baron of the Exchequer, who dyed the. 19. of Nouember. 1576 |
5 |
PR2296.L8 P64 1608 | Politeuphuia. Wits commonwealth. | 1 |
PR2296.L8 P64 1612 | Politeuphuia, wits commonwealth | 1 |
PR2296.L8 P64 1615 | Politeuphuia, wits commonwealth | 1 |
PR2296.L8 P64 1628 | Politeuphuia, wits commonwealth | 1 |
PR2296.L8 P64 1640 | Politeuphuia, wits commonwealth | 1 |
PR2296.L8 P64 1699 | Politeuphuia, wits common-wealth, or, A treasury of divine, moral, historical, and political admonitions, similies, and sentences for the use of schools. | 2 |
PR2297.A4 (INTERNET) |
An alarum against vsurers containing tryed experiences against worldly abuses : wherein gentlemen may finde good counsells to confirme them, and pleasant histories to delight them, and euery thing so interlaced with varietie, as the curious may be satisfied with rarenesse, and the curteous with pleasure : heereunto are annexed the delectable historie of Forbonius and Prisceria, with the lamentable complaint of truth ouer England / A margarite of America |
2 |
PR2297 .A7 1879 | An alarum against vsurers : containing tryed experiences against worldly abuses : wherein gentlemen may finde good counsells to confirme them and pleasant histories to delight them ... : heereunto are annexed The delectable historie of Forbonius and Prisceria, with the lamentable Complaint of Truth ouer England / | 1 |
PR2297 .D5 1875 | The divel coniured. | 1 |
PR2297.E9 (INTERNET) | Euphues shadow, the battaile of the sences Wherein youthfull folly is set downe in his right figure, and vaine fancies are prooued to produce many offences. Hereunto is annexed the deafe mans dialogue, contayning Philamis Athanatos: fit for all sortes to peruse, and the better sorte to practise. / | 1 |