Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR2336.R8 F34 1606a Faultes, faults, and nothing else but faultes (1606) / 1
PR2336.R8 F78 1604 The fruites of long experience a pleasing view for peace, a looking-glasse for warre, or, call it what you list : discoursed betweene two captaines / 1
PR2336.R8 H66 1615 The honestie of this age proouing by good circumstance, that the world was neuer honest till now / 2
PR2336.R8 H66 1616 The honestie of this age. Prooving by good circumstance, that the world was neuer honest till now.
The honestie of this age proving by good circumstances, that the world was neuer honest till now /
PR2336.R8 M37 1615 A martial conference pleasantly discoursed betweene two souldiers, the one Captaine Skil, trained vp in the French and Low Country seruices, the other Captaine Pill, only practised in Finsburie fields in the modern warres of the renowmed Duke of Shordich and the mightie Prince Arthur / 1
PR2336.R8 R52 1583 [Riche his farewell to militarie profession] [conteinyng verie pleasaunt discourses fit for a peaceable tyme: gathered together for the onely delight of the courteous gentlewomen, bothe of Englande and Irelande, for whose onely pleasure thei were collected together, and vnto whom thei are directed and dedicated / 2
PR2336.R8 R52 1594 Rich his farevvell to militarie profession. Containing very pleasant discourses, fitte for a peaceable time. Gathered together for the onlie delight of the courteous gentlewomen, both of England and Ireland for whose onelie pleasure they were collected together, and vnto whom they are directed and dedicated / 2
PR2336.R8 R52 1606 [Rich his farewell to militarie profession] [conteining very pleasant discourses fit for a peaceable time. Gathered together for the onely delight of the courteous gentlewomen, both of England and Ireland, for whose onely pleasure they were collected together, and vnto whom they are directed and dedicated. Newly augmented. / 1
PR2337.R5 P43 1595 Pheander, the mayden knight describing his honourable trauailes and hautie attempts in armes, with his successe in loue : enterlaced with many pleasant discourses, wherein the grauer may take delight, and the valiant youthfull, be encouraged by honourable and worthie aduenturing, to gaine fame / 1
PR2337.R6 A1 1871 A handefull of pleasant delites / 1
PR2337.R6 A1 1878 A handful of pleasant delights, containing sundry new sonnets and delectable histories in divers kinds of metre &c. 1584. / 1
PR2337.R6 A1 1924 A handful of pleasant delights (1584) / 1
PR2337.R6 A1 1965 A handful of pleasant delights (1584) / 1
PR2337.R6 H36 1575 [A handful of pleasant delights] 1
PR2337.R6 (INTERNET) A manumission to a manuduction, or, Answer to a letter inferring publique communion in the parrish assemblies upon private with godly persons there
A handefull of pleasant delites containing sudrie new sonets and delectable histories, in diuers kindes of meeter : newly deuised to the newest tunes that are now in vse, to be sung, euerie sonet orderly pointed to his proper tune : with new additions of certain songs, to verie late deuised notes, not commonly knowen, nor vsed heretofore /
PR2337.R68 G64 1589 A golden mirrour conteining certaine pithie and figuratiue visions prognosticating good fortune to England and all true English subiectes, with an ouerthrowe to the enemies : whereto be adioyned certaine pretie poemes written on the names of sundrie both noble and worshipfull. 1
PR2337.R68 (INTERNET) A golden mirrour conteining certaine pithie and figuratiue visions prognosticating good fortune to England and all true English subiectes, with an ouerthrowe to the enemies : whereto be adioyned certaine pretie poemes written on the names of sundrie both noble and worshipfull.
Certain selected histories for christian recreations vvith their seuerall moralizations Brought into Englishe verse, and are to be song with seuerall notes: /
PR2337.R73 (INTERNET) Anglorum lacrimæ in a sad passion complayning the death of our late soueraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth: yet comforted againe by the vertuous hopes of our most royall and renowned King Iames: whose Maiestie God long continue. 1
PR2337.R73 L4 1972 Leicester's ghost / 1
PR2337.R9 A6 1970 Uncollected poems (1604?-1617) / 1