Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
PR2337.R9 B7 1617 | The bride | 1 |
PR2337.R9 D6 1619 | Doctor Merry-man, or, Nothing but mirth | 1 |
PR2337.R9 D62 1681 | Doctor Merry-man, or, Nothing but mirth | 2 |
PR2337.R9 F3 1609 | The famous historie, of Guy Earle of VVarwick. | 1 |
PR2337.R9 F3 1620 | [The famous history, of Guy Earle of Warwicke] | 1 |
PR2337.R9 F35 1667 | The famous history of Guy Earle of Warwick | 2 |
PR2337.R9 F35 1699 | The famous history of Gvy, Earle of Warwicke | 2 |
PR2337.R9 F6 1873 | A fooles bolt is soone shott / | 1 |
PR2337.R9 H85 1605 | Humors ordinarie where a man may be verie merrie, and exceeding vvell vsed for his sixe-pence. | 1 |
PR2337.R9 (INTERNET) |
Good nevves and bad nevves Humors antique faces drawne in proportion to his seuerall antique iestures. Heavens glory, seeke it. Earts [sic] vanitie, flye it. Hells horror, fere it Humors ordinarie where a man may be verie merrie, and exceeding vvell vsed for his sixe-pence. Looke to it: for, Ile stabbe ye Sir Thomas Overbury, or, The poysoned knights complaint The knaue of clubbs The bride [The famous history, of Guy Earle of Warwicke] More knaues yet? The knaues of spades and diamonds. With new additions. A crevv of kind gossips, all met to be merrie complayning of their husbands, with their husbands ansvveres in their owne defence / Diogenes lanthorne |
12 |
PR2337.R9 L47 1600 |
The lettin[g] of humours blood in the head-vaine with a new morissco, daunced by seauen satyres, vpon the bottome of Diog[e?]nes tubbe. The letting of humours blood in the head-uaine. VVith a new morissco, daunced by seauen satyres, vpon the bottome of Diogines [sic] tubbe. |
2 |
PR2337.R9 L47 1613 | The letting of humors blood in the head-vaine with a new morissco, daunced by seuen satyres, vpon the bottome of Diogenes tubbe. | 1 |
PR2337.R9 P34 1620 | [A paire of spy-knaues] | 1 |
PR2337.R9 S57 1614 | Sir Thomas Overbury, or, The poysoned knights complaint | 1 |
PR2337.R9 T4 1874 | A terrible battell betweene the two consumers of the whole world : time and death / | 1 |
PR2337.R9 T55 1605 | A theater of delightfull recreation. | 1 |
PR2337 .R95 1634ab | The noble soldier / | 1 |
PR2337.R95 (INTERNET) | A search for money, or, The lamentable complaint for the losse of the wandring knight, Mounsieur l'Argent Or come along with me, I know thou louest money : Dedicated to all those that lack money / | 1 |
PR2337.R98 P76 1529 | A proper dyaloge betwene a gentillman and an husbandma[n] eche complaynenge to other theyr myserable calamyte through the ambicion of the clergye. | 1 |
PR2337.S2 (INTERNET) |
Pans pipe three pastorall eglogues, in English hexameter. With other poetical verses delightfull. For the further delight of the reader, the printer hath annexed hereunto the delectable poeme of the Fisher-mans tale. Flora's fortune The second part and finishing of the Fisher-mans tale. Containing, the strange accidentes which chaunced to Flora, and her supposed father Thirsis : also the happie meeting with her desired Cassander. / The fissher-mans tale of the famous actes, life and loue of Cassander a Grecian knight. / Adams complaint. The olde vvorldes tragedie. Dauid and Bathsheba |
4 |