PR2382 .V47 1623
A verry merry vvherry-ferry-voyage, or, Yorke for my money sometimes perilous, sometimes quarrellous, performed with a paire of oares, by sea from London by Iohn Taylor, and Iob Pennell / |
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A verry merry vvherry-ferry-voyage, or, Yorke for my money sometimes perilous, sometimes quarrellous / |
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The water-cormorant his complaint against a brood of land-cormorants. Diuided into fourteene satyres / |
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Wit and mirth chargeably collected out of tauernes, ordinaries, innes, bowling greenes, and allyes, alehouses, tobacco shops, highwaies, and water-passages : made vp, and fashioned into clinches, bulls, quirkes, yerkes, quips, and ierkes : apothegmatically bundled vp and garbled at the request of old Iohn Garrets ghost / |
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The world turn'd upside down, or, A briefe description of the ridiculous fashions of these distracted times |
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Iohn Taylor being yet unhanged sends greeting to Iohn Booker that hanged him lately in a picture, in a traiterous, slanderous, and foolish London pamphlet called A cable-rope double-twisted |
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PR2383 .C37 1994
The world of John Taylor, the water-poet, 1578-1653 / |
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PR2383.66 (INTERNET)
No Mercurius aquaticus, but a cable-rope, double twisted for Iohn Tayler, the water-poet, who escaping drowning in a paper-wherry-voyage, is reserved for another day as followeth, viz |
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PR2384.T3 C53 1651
Cheimonopegnion, or, A winter song |
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Three treatises The pearle of the gospell, The pilgrims profession : and A glasse for gentlewomen to dress themselues by : to which is added A short introduction to the worthy receiuing of the Lords supper / |
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PR2384.T45 B75 1992
The flower of friendship : a Renaissance dialogue contesting marriage / |
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PR2384.T47 A6 1994
The poetry of Robert Tofte, 1597-1620 / |
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Laura The toyes of a traueller, or, The feast of fancie : Diuided into three parts / |
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PR2384.T5 E6 1977
Epitaphes, epigrams, songs, and sonets (1567) and Epitaphes and sonnettes (1576) / |
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Encomium SalopiƦ, or, The description of the pleasant situation, commendable gouernement, and rarities, of the ancient and famous towne of Shrowesbury |
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PR2384.T5 T7 1837
Tragical tales : and other poems / |
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PR2384.T6 T87 1612
Turners dish of Lentten stuffe, or, A galymaufery to the tune of Watton townes end. |
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PR2384 .T8 1594
The patterne of painefull aduentures: containing the most excellent, pleasant and variable historie of the strange accidents that befell vnto Prince Apollonius, the Lady Lucina his wife, and Tharsia his daughter. Wherein the vncertaintie of this world, and the fickle state of mans life are liuely described. / |
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PR2384.T9 Z6 1972
A study of Tindale's Genesis, compared with the Genesis of Coverdale and of the Authorized version. |
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Tyros roring Megge Planted against the walles of melancholy. One booke cut into two decads. |
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