Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
PR2386 .H47 1987 | A critical edition of George Whetstone's 1582 An heptameron of civill discourses / | 1 |
PR2386.R4 (INTERNET) |
A remembraunce of the life, death, and vertues, of the most noble and honourable Lord Thomas late Erle of Sussex Vicount Fitz-water, Lord of Egremount and Burnell, iustice of an ayer, of all her Maiesties forrestes, parkes, chaces, and warrantes, on the south side of Trent, Captaine of the pensioners & gentlemen at armes, Lord Chamberlaine of her Maiesties honorable household ... / A remembraunce, of the woorthie and well imployed life, of the right honorable Sir Nicholas Bacon Knight, Lorde keper of the greate Seale of Englande, and one of the Queenes Maiesties most honorable Priuie Counsell, who deceased, the 20 daye of Februarie 1578 VVith an exhortation necessarie for euery estate. / |
2 |
PR2386.R6 (INTERNET) | The rocke of regard diuided into foure parts. The first, the castle of delight ... The second, the garden of vnthriftinesse ... The thirde, the arbour of vertue ... The fourth, the ortchard of repentance ... / | 1 |
PR2388.W4 C5 1586b | A choice of emblemes / | 1 |
PR2388.W4 C535 1987 | Geoffrey Whitney's A choice of emblemes and its relation to the emblematic vogue in Tudor England / | 1 |
PR2388.W5 |
A sweet nosegay, or, Pleasant posy, 1573 Women Writers Project first electronic edition / The copy of a letter Women Writers Project first electronic edition / |
2 |
PR2388.W6 Z78 1986 | Thomas Wilson / | 1 |
PR2390.A1 (INTERNET) |
[Iuuenilia.] Carmen ternarium semi-c T nicum, A dos of rime and reason |
2 |
PR2390 .A2 1902 | The poetry of George Wither / | 1 |
PR2390 .A2 1967 | Miscellaneous works of George Wither. | 1 |
PR2390.A2 (INTERNET) | The grateful acknowledgment of a late trimming regulator humbly presented to that honest and worthy country gentleman who is come lately to town, and stiles himself by the name of Multum in parvo : with a most strange and wonderful prophecy, taken out of Britains genious / | 1 |
PR2391.A2 W68 | The wounded lover's lamentation to Silvia. To an excellent new tune, sung at court. | 1 |
PR2392 .B7 1857 | Hallelujah, or, Britain's second remembrancer; bringing to remembrance (in praiseful and penitential hymns, spiritual songs, and moral odes,) meditations, advancing the glory of God, in the practice of piety and virtue / | 1 |
PR2392 .B7 1967 | Halelviah, or, Britans second remembrancer (1641.) | 1 |
PR2392 .C8 | Campo-Musæ: or The field-mvsings of Captine [sic] George VVither, touching his militarie ingagement for the king and Parliament, the justnesse of the same, and the distractions of these islands. | 1 |
PR2392 .D58 1688 | Divine poems (by way of paraphrase) on the Ten commandments illustrated with twelve copper plates, shewing how personal punishments has been inflicted on the transgressors of these Commandments, as is recorded in the Holy Scriptures : also a metrical paraphrase upon the Creed and Lords prayer / | 2 |
PR2392 .E22 1666 |
Ecchoes from the sixth trumpet. reverberated by a review of neglected remembrances, abreviating [sic] precautions and predictions heretofore published at several times, upon sundry occasions, to forewarn what the future effects of divine justice would be, as soon as our sinnes were full ripe,if not prevented by timely repentance : most part of the predictions have been already seen or heard verified, both by the author yet living, and by many others, who observed at what times, in what manner, upon what persons, and in what places they were literally or mystically fulfilled : collected out of the said authors printed books, who conscienciously [sic] observed on what divine prophesies the said predictions were grounded, as also God's late frequent intermixture of judgments and mercies, to reclaim this generation. Ecchoes from the sixth trumpet. reverberated by a review of neglected remembrances, abreviating [sic] precautions and predictions heretofore published at several times, upon sundry occasions, to forewarn what the future effects of divine justice would be, as soon as our sinnes were full ripe,if not prevented by timely repentance : most part of the predictions have been already seen or heard verified, both by the author yet living, and by many others, who observed at what times, in what manner, upon what persons, and in what places they were literally or mystically fulfilled : collected out of the said authors printed books, who conscienciously [sic] observed on what divine prophesies the said predictions were grounded, as also God's late frequent intermixture of judgments and mercies, to reclaim this generation. |
2 |
PR2392 .E5 1635a | A collection of emblemes, ancient and moderne / | 1 |
PR2392 .E5 1989 | A collection of emblemes / | 1 |
PR2392 .G7 1948 | The great assises holden in Parnassus by Apollo and his assessors. | 1 |