Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR2411 .W2 1594ab The wars of Cyrus / 1
PR2411 .W23 1942 The wars of Cyrus : an early classical narrative drama of the child actors : critical edition with introd. and notes / 1
PR2411 .W23 1976 The wasp, or Subject's precedent. 1
PR2411 .W25 1600ab The weakest goeth to the wall, 1600 / 1
PR2411 .W25 1980 A critical edition of the anonymous Elizabethan play The Weakest goeth to the wall / 2
PR2411 .W3 1557ab Wealth and Health / 1
PR2411 .W5 1606ac Wily beguild / 1
PR2411 .W72 1600 The wisdome of Doctor Dodypoll as it hath bene sundrie times / 1
PR2411 .W72 1600a The wisdom of Doctor Dodypoll. 1600. 1
PR2411 .W72 1600ab The wisdom of Doctor Dodypoll / 1
PR2411 .W72 1965 The wisdom of Doctor Dodypoll. 1600. 1
PR2411 .W725 2001 The wisest have their fools about them. 1
PR2411 .W73 1604ab The wit of a woman / 1
PR2411 .W8 1522ab The World and the child : otherwise Mundus & infans / 1
PR2411 .W8 1999 The worlde and the chylde / 1
PR2411 .Y7 1905 The Enterlude of youth nebst Fragmenten des Playe of Lucres und von Nature / 1
PR2417 .F5 1973 A Shakespeare jestbook, Robert Armin's Foole upon foole (1600) : a critical, old-spelling edition / 1
PR2417 .F6 1605 Foole upon foole, or, Six sortes of sottes. A flat foole, a leane foole, a merry foole, [brace] and [brace] a fatt foole, a cleane foole, a verrie foole. Shewing their liues, humours and behauiours, with their want of wit in their shew of wisdome. Not so strange as true. 1
PR2417 .H5 1609ab The history of the two maids of More-clacke / 1
PR2417 .H5 1979 An old-spelling, critical edition of The history of the two maids of More-Clacke / 2