Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR2714 .F34 1617 A faire quarrell with new additions of Mr. Chaughs and Trimtrams roaring, and the Bauds song, neuer before printed : as it was acted before the King, by the Prince His Highnesse seruants / 1
PR2714 .G3 1929 A game at chesse / 1
PR2714 .G3 1967 A game at chess / 1
PR2714 .G3 1990 A game at chess (1624) / 1
PR2714 .G3 1993 A game at chess / 2
PR2714 .G3 1995 The Bridgewater manuscript of Thomas Middleton's A game at chess (1624) / 1
PR2714.G33 H68 1995 Middleton's "Vulgar Pasquin" : essays on A game at chess / 1
PR2714 .H46 2003 Hengist, King of Kent, or the Mayor of Queenborough / 1
PR2714 (INTERNET) The triumphs of loue and antiquity An honourable solemnitie performed through the citie, at the confirmation and establishment of the right honourable Sir William Cockayn, knight, in the office of his Maiesties Lieutenant, the Lord Maior of the famous citie of London. Taking beginning in the morning at his Lord-ships going, and perfecting itselfe after his returne from receiuing the oath of mayoralty at Westminster, on the morrow after Symon and Iudes Day, October 29. 1619 /
The changeling as it was acted (with great applause) at the Privat house in Drury-Lane, and Salisbury Court /
The Spanish gipsie as it was acted (with great applause) at the Privat House in Drury-Lane, and Salisbury Court /
The triumphs of health and prosperity A noble solemnity performed through the city, at the sole cost and charges of the Honorable Fraternity of Drapers, at the inauguration of their most worthy brother, the Right Honorable, Cuthbert Hacket, Lord Major of the famous city of London /
The ghost of Lucrece
The triumphs of truth A solemnity vnparalleled for cost, art, and magnificence, at the confirmation and establishment of that worthy and true nobly-minded gentleman, Sir Thomas Middleton, knight, in the honorable office of his Maiesties lieuetenant, the lord maior of the thrice famous citty of London. Taking beginning at his Lord-ships going, and proceeding after his returne from receiuing the oath of maioralty at Westminster, on the morrow next after Simon and Iudes day, October 29. 1613. All the showes, pageants, chariots; morning, noone, and night-triumphes. Directed, written, and redeem'd into forme, from the ignorance of some former times, and their common writer /
The Inner-Temple masque, or, Masque of heroes Presented (as an entertainement for many worthy ladies:) by gentlemen of the same ancient and noble house /
The sunne in Aries A noble solemnity performed through the Citie, at the sole cost and charges of the honourable and ancient fraternity of Drapers, at the confirmation and establishment of their most worthy brother, the Right Honourable, Edvvard Barkham, in the high office of his Maiesties lieutenant, the Lord Maior of the famous Citie of London. Taking beginning at his Lordships going, and perfecting it selfe after his returne from receiuing the oath of maioralty at Westminster, on the morrow after Simon Iudes day, being the 29. of October. 1621 /
The triumphs of honor and vertue A noble solemnitie, performed through the City, at the sole cost and charges of the honorable Fraternitie of Grocers, at the confirmation and establishment of their most worthy brother, the Right Honorable Peter Proby, in the high office of his Maiesties Lieutenant, Lord Maior and Chancellor of the famous City of London. Taking beginning at his Lordships going, and perfecting it selfe after his returne from receiuing the oath of maioralty at Westminster, on the morrow after Simon and Iudes Day, being the 29. of October, 1622 /
Honorable entertainments compos'de for the seruice of this noble cittie. Some of which were fashion'd for the entertainment of the Lords of his Maiesties most Honorable Priuie Councell, vpon the occasion of their late royall employment /
A game at chæss as it was acted nine dayes to gether at the Globe on the banks side.
Michaelmas terme As it hath been sundry times acted by the Children of Paules.
A faire quarrell with new additions of Mr. Chaughs and Trimtrams roaring, and the Bauds song, neuer before printed : as it was acted before the King, by the Prince His Highnesse seruants /
PR2714 .M2 1965 A mad world, my masters / 1
PR2714 .M2 1965a A mad world, my masters / 1
PR2714 .M2 1995 A mad world, my masters : Michaelmas term ; A trick to catch the old one ; No wit, no help like a woman's / 1
PR2714 .M2 1998 A mad world, my masters / 1
PR2714 .M3 2004 The mayor of Queenborough; or Hengist, King of Kent / 1
PR2714.M39 (INTERNET) The Mayor of Quinborough as it hath often acted with much applause at Black-Fryars by His Majesties servants / 1
PR2714 .M473 1661 The mayor of Quinborough a tragedy : as it hath been often acted with much applause at Black-Fryars, by His Majesties servants / 1
PR2714 .M5 1966 Michaelmas Term / 1
PR2714 .M5 1966a Michaelmas Term / 1
PR2714 .M5 1976 Michaelmas term and A trick to catch the old one / 1
PR2714 .M5 2000 Michaelmas term / 1