Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR2822.A2 R6 1882 Shakespeare's comedy of Love's labour's lost / 1
PR2822.A2 R67 1985 Love's labour's lost : modern text with introduction / 1
PR2822.A2 W5 1962 Love's labour's lost / 1
PR2822.A2 W55 2009eb Love's labour's lost / 1
PR2822.A2 W8 1924 Love's labour's lost : a comedy in five acts / 1
PR2822 .A37 1974 Love's labour's lost 1
PR2822.A79 L6 Love's labour's lost : a concordance to the text of the first quarto of 1598. 2
PR2822 .C3 1976 The great feast of language in Love's labour's lost / 1
PR2822 .C37 1976 The great feast of language in Loves labours lost / 1
PR2822 .E4 Shakespeare's lusty punning in Love's labour's lost : with contemporary analogues / 1
PR2822 .G5 1993 Love's labour's lost / 1
PR2822 .L68 1997 Love's labour's lost : critical essays / 1
PR2822 .L68 2001 Love's labour's lost : critical essays / 1
PR2822 .M67 1977 "Curious-knotted garden" : the form, themes, and contexts of Shakespeare's Love's labour's lost / 1
PR2822 .P46 2002 Love's labour's lost : a guide to the play / 1
PR2822 .T3 The date of Love's labour's lost / 1
PR2822 .Y3 A study of Love's labour's lost / 1
PR2823 French origins of English tragedy.
Focus on Macbeth /
Macbeth /
PR2823 .A1 1674 Macbeth a tragedy : with all the alterations, amendments, additions, and new songs, as it is now acted at the Dukes Theatre. 2
PR2823.A1 1674 (INTERNET) Macbeth a tragædy : with all the alterations, amendments, additions, and new songs : as it's now acted at the Dukes Theatre. 1