Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR2975 .J62 Johnson on Shakespeare : essays and notes / 1
PR2975 .J63 Notes to Shakespeare / 1
PR2975 .J64 1765a Preface to Shakespeare's plays, 1765. 1
PR2975.J643 P37 1989 Johnson's Shakespeare / 2
PR2975.J643 Z85 Samuel Johnson and neoclassical dramatic theory : the intellectual context of the Preface to Shakespeare /
Samuel Johnson and neoclassical dramatic theory; the intellectual context of the Preface to Shakespeare,
PR2975 .J647 Johnson on Shakespeare / 1
PR2975 .J647 1985 Johnson on Shakespeare / 1
PR2975 .J65 Samuel Johnson on Shakespeare / 1
PR2975 .M7 1810 An essay on the writings and genius of Shakespeare : compared with the Greek and French dramatic poets; with some remarks upon the misrepresentations of Mons. de Voltaire. 1
PR2975 .N68 1994 Engaging with Shakespeare : responses of George Eliot and other women novelists / 2
PR2975 .S6 1962 Eighteenth century essays on Shakespeare. 1
PR2975 .S6 1963 Eighteenth century essays on Shakespeare. 1
PR2975 .U6 1973 Critical observations on Shakespeare. 1
PR2975 W6 1794a A specimen of a commentary on Shakespeare / 1
PR2975 .W6 1967 A specimen of a commentary on Shakspeare / 1
PR2975 .W68 1997 Women reading Shakespeare, 1660-1900 : an anthology of criticism / 1
PR2976 Touching at a Distance Shakespeare's Theatre.
Shakespeare's cultural capital : his economic impact from the sixteenth to the twenty-first century /
Interpretationsof Shakespeare : British Academy Shakespeare lectures /
Shakespeare : the basics /
Digital Shakespeares from the global South /
William Shakespeare.
Shakespeare east and west /
Shakespeare the bodger : ingenuity, imitation and the arts of The winters tale /
The Oxford handbook of Shakespeare and embodiment : gender, sexuality, and race /
The sovereign flower : on Shakespeare as the poet of royalism, together with related essays and indexes to earlier volumes /
Land of fortune /
Shakespeare and authority : citations, conceptions and constructions /
Shakespeare and the politics of commoners : digesting the new social history /
Shakespeare, cinema, counter-culture : appropriation and inversion /
Shakespeare and complexity theory /
Shakespeare and the culture of Romanticism /
Greek tragic women on Shakespearean stages /
The invention of Shakespeare, and other essays /
Shakespeare's ghost writers literature as uncanny causality /
"Fanned and winnowed opinions" : Shakespearean essays presented to Harold Jenkins /
Shakespeare's storytelling : an introduction to genre, character, and technique /
Shakespeare and Emotional Expression : Finding Feeling through Colour.
Shakesperean concepts : a dictionary of terms and conventions, influences and institutions, themes, ideas, and genres in the Elizabethan and Jacobean drama /
Making Sense in Shakespeare /
Shakespeare's originality /
Four Shakespearean period pieces /
Reconsidering Shakespeare's 'Lateness' : Studies in the Last Plays.
Shakespeare as a way of life /
Approaches to Twelfth night /
Shakespearean perspectives : essays on poetic negotiation /
Shakespeare and celebrity cultures
Shakespeare and Cultural Materialist Theory.
Close reading without readings : essays on Shakespeare and others /
Shakespeare and Judgment.
Determining the Shakespeare canon : Arden of Faversham and A lover's complaint /
Shakespeare and the cultivation of difference : race and conduct in the early modern world /
Shakespeare and the Awareness of Audience /
Shakespearean negotiations : the circulation of social energy in Renaissance England /
Shakespeare, court dramatist /
Empson, Wilson Knight, Barber, Kott /
Shakespeare seen : image, performance and society /
Land of love /
Shakespeare /
Shakespeare and the eighteenth century /
The Shakespearean international yearbook.
PR2976 .A2 A plea for the liberty of interpreting / 1
PR2976 .A43 Alexander's Introductions to Shakespeare. 1
PR2976 .A54 2016eb Metadrama and the informer in Shakespeare and Jonson / 1