Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR2981.5 .S48 1999 Shakespeare, the last plays / 1
PR2981.5 .S486 2005 Shakespeare's problem plays : All's well that ends well, Measure for measure, Troilus and Cressida : William Shakespeare / 1
PR2981.5 .S488 2003 Shakespeare's romances / 1
PR2981.5 .S49 1999 Shakespeare's late plays : new readings / 1
PR2981.5 .S5 Shakespeare's romances reconsidered / 2
PR2981.5 .S53 2013 Shakespeare the last plays / 1
PR2981.5 .S6 1992 Shakespeare's romances as interrogative texts : their alienation strategies and ideology / 1
PR2981.5 .T46 1987 The moral universe of Shakespeare's problem plays / 1
PR2981.5 .U6 Beyond tragedy : structure & experience in Shakespeare's romances / 2
PR2981.5 .W5 1985 Let wonder seem familiar : endings in Shakespeare's romance vision / 2
PR2981.5 .Y38 1999eb Shakespeare's last plays / 1
PR2982 Harrying : Skills of Offense in Shakespeare's Henriad.
Shakespeare and Machiavelli
The philosopher's English king. Shakespeare's 'Henriad' as political philosophy /
THEATER AND WORLD the problematics of shakespeare's history.
Shakespeare and the Nobility /
PR2982 .B28 2012 Memory in Shakespeare's histories : stages of forgetting in early modern England / 1
PR2982 .B4 Shakespeare's histories / 2
PR2982 .B47 Patterns of decay : Shakespeare's early histories / 1
PR2982 .B477 1975 Patterns of decay : Shakespeare's early histories / 1
PR2982 .B52 1983 Time and the artist in Shakespeare's English histories / 2
PR2982 .B6 Shakespeare's English kings, the people, and the law : a study in the relationship between the Tudor constitution and the English history plays / 1
PR2982 .B7 The Shakespearean kings /
The Shakespearean kings,
PR2982 .C28 Metadrama in Shakespeare's Henriad : Richard II to Henry V / 1