Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR2986 .E313 1970 Shakespeare: spokesman of the Third Estate / 1
PR2986 .E58 2021 Entertaining the idea : Shakespeare, philosophy, and performance / 3
PR2986 .G73 2009 Shakespeare and impure aesthetics / 1
PR2986 .G73 2009eb Shakespeare and impure aesthetics / 1
PR2986 .H65 2010 Shakespeare's individualism / 1
PR2986 .K54 1996 Shakespeare's theory of drama / 2
PR2986 .K56 1994 Bi-cultural critical essays on Shakespeare / 1
PR2986 .L69 2013 Shakespeare, Jonson, and the claims of the performative / 3
PR2986 .M33 1988 Shakespeare the aesthete : an exploration of literary theory / 1
PR2986 .M8 Shakespeare als Philosoph / 1
PR2986 .O45 2018 Of Levinas and Shakespeare : "to see another thus" / 1
PR2986 .O45 2018eb Of Levinas and Shakespeare : "to see another thus" / 1
PR2986 .O76 2012 Retheorizing Shakespeare through presentist readings / 1
PR2986 .P3 1955 The slave of life : a study of Shakespeare and the idea of justice. 1
PR2986 .S425 2022 Shakespeare and Montaigne / 1
PR2986 .S5 Shakespeare and the uses of ideology / 1
PR2986 .S54 2016 Second death : theatricalities of the soul in Shakespeare's drama / 1
PR2986 .S54 2016eb Second death : theatricalities of the soul in Shakespeare's drama / 1
PR2986 .S68 1985 La dialectique de l'ordre et de l'anarchie dans les œuvres de Shakespeare et de Calderón / 1
PR2986 .T45 2007 Thinking with Shakespeare : comparative and interdisciplinary essays for A.D. Nuttall / 1