Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR2992.D38 H36 2003 Shakespeare's daughters / 1
PR2992.F3 Domination and defiance : fathers and daughters in Shakespeare / 1
PR2992.F3 D38 2017 Shakespeare's fathers and daughters / 1
PR2992.F3 D74 1986 Domination and defiance : fathers and daughters in Shakespeare / 1
PR2992.F3 L46 2001 Fathers and daughters in Shakespeare and Shaw / 1
PR2992.F3 M33 2012 Problem fathers in Shakespeare and Renaissance drama / 1
PR2992.F3 M33 2012eb Problem fathers in Shakespeare and Renaissance drama / 1
PR2992.F3 Q5 1932 Paternity in Shakespeare / 1
PR2992.F3 T76 2010eb Fathers and Sons in Shakespeare : the Debt Never Promised /
Fathers and sons in Shakespeare : the debt never promised /
PR2992.F6 Robert Armin and Shakespeare's performed songs / 1
PR2992.F6 B45 2011 Shakespeare's great stage of fools
Shakespeare's great stage of fools /
PR2992.F6 G6 Wise fools in Shakespeare / 2
PR2992.F6 G6 1958 Wise fools in Shakespeare / 1
PR2992.F6 H6 1952 Shakespeare's motley. 1
PR2992.F6 P95 1998 Mirth and morality of Shakespeare's holy fools / 1
PR2992.G57 B53 2021 Cognition and girlhood in Shakespeare's world : rethinking female adolescence / 2
PR2992.G57 W55 2014 Shakespeare and the Performance of Girlhood / 1
PR2992.H4 B7 1971 Hero & saint: Shakespeare and the Graeco-Roman heroic tradition / 1
PR2992.H4 K47 The tragic hero in Shakespeare : the dramatic significance of his isolation / 1
PR2992.H4 L4 1927 The lion and the fox : the rĂ´le of the hero in the plays of Shakespeare / 1