Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR3012 .S66 2017 Members of his body : Shakespeare, Paul, and a theology of nonmonogamy / 2
PR3012 .S8 1971 Sacred & Shakespearian affinities : being analogies between the writings of the psalmists and of Shakespeare. 1
PR3012 .W7 1880 Shakspeare's knowledge and use of the Bible. 1
PR3014 .C43 1993 Notorious identity : materializing the subject in Shakespeare / 2
PR3014 .C64 2003 Searching Shakespeare : studies in culture and authority / 1
PR3014 .E48 2018 Shakespearean territories / 1
PR3014 .F4 Shakespeare's Scotland. 1
PR3014 .G55 1994 Shakespeare and the geography of difference / 1
PR3014 .H37 2003 Columbus, Shakespeare, and the interpretation of the New World / 1
PR3014 .H45 2002 The time is out of joint : Shakespeare as philosopher of history / 2
PR3014 .H6 1988 Shakespeare : the play of history / 1
PR3014 .K37 1999 Shakespeare after theory / 1
PR3014 .K37 1999eb Shakespeare after theory /
Shakespeare after theory
PR3014 .K58 2002 Shakespeare's arguments with history / 1
PR3014 .L26 Voyages de Shakespeare en France et en Italie. 1
PR3014 .L3 Where Shakespeare set his stage / 1
PR3014 .M45 1994 Shakespeare's garter plays : Edward III to Merry wives of Windsor / 1
PR3014 .R55 2008 Shakespeare's consuls, cardinals, and kings : the real history behind the plays / 1
PR3014 .R6 Shakespeare and English history. 1
PR3014 .S54 2006 Shakespeare's histories and counter-histories / 1