Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
PR3291.G3 H37 | The harangues or speeches of several famous mountebanks in town and country | 2 |
PR3291.G34 W56 1658 | Wine, beer, ale, and tobacco, contending for superiority a dialogue. | 2 |
PR3291 .G36 1640 | Gamēlia on the happy marriage of the most accomplished paire, H.R. Esq. and the vertuous A.B. | 1 |
PR3291 .G66 1672 | Good luck at last, or, The Art of scorning discovered | 2 |
PR3291 .G66 1677 | The Good fellovvs consideration, or, The Bad husbands amendment | 2 |
PR3291.H3 1658 | An elegie upon the much lamented death of His Highness Oliver the late Lord Protector | 1 |
PR3291.H3 C67 1692 | A copy of verses of the late earthquake, or, A caution to all mortal men to tremble at the mightly hand of God, and stand in awe of the same | 1 |
PR3291.H3 F33 1700 | The fables of Aesop, in English verse. With suitable new morals, adapted to each fable. Never before printed: containing the fable of the ass and the wolf. The bishop and the beggar. Collier and the fuller. Country-man and the mouse. Devil refusing to marry. Parson vintner and taylor. Aethiopian wash'd. Florentine and horse-courser. Fox and grapes. Kite and mouse. Parson and the pears. Young widow. Wolf and crow. Sick man and priest. Sick hermit. Shepherd turn'd merchant. Pagan at mass. Marriners in a storm. And abundance more fables, too tedious to insert. | 1 |
PR3291.H3 (INTERNET) | The history of Polindor and Flostella, with other poems | 1 |
PR3291.H3 U6 1663 | [A sermon preached at the funeralls of the Honourable Algernon Grevil, Esq, second brother to the Right Honourable Robert Lord Brook, &c., who departed this life, July 21, at Magdalen Colledge Oxon and was buried at Warwick, the sixth of August, 1662] | 1 |
PR3291 H53 1974 | The History of Betty Barnes. | 1 |
PR3291 .H677 | The history of Philoxypes and Polycrite, as it was told by Leontides to the great Cyrus. / | 1 |
PR3291.H8 H82 1663 | Hudibras on Calamy's imprisonment, and Wild's poetry to the bishops. | 1 |
PR3291 .H85 1693 | The Humours and conversations of the town expos'd in two dialogues the first, of the men, the second, of the women. | 2 |
PR3291 .I5 1648 | In honour of the right worshipfull doctour Robert Pinke, doctour of divinitie, and warden of New Colledge in Oxford | 2 |
Henry the Second, King of England, with The death of Rosamond a tragedy, acted at the Theatre-Royal, by Their Majesties servants. The harmony of the muses, or, The gentlemans and ladies choisest recreation full of various, pure and transcendent wit : containing severall excellent poems, some fancies of love, some of disdain, and all the subjects incident to the passionate affections either of men or women / |
2 |
PR3291.J3 1641 | An honest mans delight: or Knavery made known. When truth and honesty are joyn'd together ... To the tune of, I'le hold thee five shillings. | 1 |
PR3291.J3 (INTERNET) | Sportive vvit the muses merriment, a new spring of lusty drollery, joviall fancies, and a la mode lamponnes, on some heroic persons of these late times, never before exposed to the publick view / | 1 |
PR3291.J3 M4 1655 | The merry mans resolution or, A London frollick. The tune is much in request, He hold thee five shillings. / | 1 |
PR3291.J3 R69 1660 | Royall poems presented to His Sacred Majesty Charles the II | 2 |