Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
PR3291.A1 E43 1675 |
An Elegy on the truly honourable and most virtuous, charitable, and pious lady, Countesse of Devonshire vvho lately departed this life, being a hundred and odd years of age, whose corps now lies in deserved state in Holbourn. An Elegy on the reverend and learned divine Dr. Lazarus Seaman sometime vice-chancellour of Cambridg, master of Peter-House, and late minister of the Gospel in Alhallows-Bread Street. An Elegy humbly offered to the memory of the Reverend Father in God Doctor Humphry Henchman late Bishop of London, who departed this life the 8th of October 1675. An Elegy on the Right Reverend Father in God Humphry, Lord Bishop of London who departed this life the 7th of October, 1675. An Elegy on the truly honourable and most virtuous, charitable, and pious lady, Countesse of Devonshire vvho lately departed this life, being a hundred and odd years of age, whose corps now lies in deserved state in Holourne. An Elegie to the indeared memory of that learned and reverend minister of the Gospel Dr. Lazarus Seamon who died on Friday the 3d of September 1675, and was carried from Drapers Hall to be interred, with a numerous train of Christian friends bewailing his death. An Elegy upon Marsh's one of the two publick sworn informers against Protestant religious meetings in the city of London, who lately dyed very miserably in the prison of the Counter An Elegy upon the death of that most eminent disputant Mr. Jeremy Ives of London who departed this life the 21[st] of October, 1675. |
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PR3291.A1 E43 1676 |
An Elegy on the renowned memory of the Right Reverend Edward, late Bishop of Norwich An Elegy on the much-bewailed death of that most painful and pious minister of the Gospel Mr. Alexander Carmichel who departed this life July 27, 1676. An Elegy on that famous sea-commander Michael De Ruyter lieutenant admiral of the United Netherlands, &c., vvho lately died of his wounds, received in the engagement between the Dutch and French fleets near Sicily. An Elegie on that great example of charity and vertue, the Right Honourable the Countess Dowager of Thanet who died on Monday the 14th of August instant, at the house belonging to that noble family in Aldersgate-Street. An Elegy upon the death of that faithful servant of the Lord, and dear and never-to-be-forgotten friend, Mr. John Wells minister of the Gospel, who was suddenly taken out of this vale of misery June 18, 1676. An Elegy upon the death of two eminent ministers of the Gospel, Mr. Pledger and Mr. Wells who both departed this life on the Lords day, June the 18[t]h, 1676, the f[i]rst of them having preached twice, and administred the Lords Supper the very day of his dissolution. |
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PR3291.A1 E43 1677 |
An Elegi[e] on the death of the Most Reverend Father in God, Gilbert late Arch-Bishop of Canterbury Primate, and Metropolitan of all England, &c., who deceased the 9th of this instant November, 1677. An Elegy on the death of the Lord Chief Justice Hales who died December 26, 1676. An Elegy on the learned and zealous minister of the Gospel, Mr. Christopher Fowler who departed this life on Monday the 15th of January, 1676/7 [i.e. 1677] An Elegiacal poem humbly suffered to the memory of the most Reverend Father in God, Gilbert, late Arch-Bishop of Canterbury Primate of all England, and Metropolitan, one of His Majesties Most Honourable Privy-Council, &c., who died the 9th of this instant November 1677. An Elegy upon the death of the much lamented, able and learned physician Doctor Thomson who dyed March the 11th, 1677. An Elegy on that famous oracle of law, and unbias'd dispenser of justice, the most learned and no less religious Sr. Matthew Hale, Kt. the late lord chief justice of England, who departed this life on Christmas-day last at his house in Atherly in Glocester-shire. Elegiack verses upon the death of Captain Thomas Harman late commander of His Majesties frigot, the Saphire, as they were presented to His Royall Highnesse. An Elegy on that famous oracle of law, and unbias'd dispenser of justice, the most learned and no less religious Sr. Matthew Hale, Kt the late lord chief justice of England, who departed this life on Christmas-day last at his house in Atherly in Glocester-shire. |
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PR3291.A1 E43 1678 |
An Elegie on that incomparable example of hospitality, charity, and generosity, the Thrice-worthy William Whitmore, Esq who departed this life on the fifth of this instant August, 1678. An Elegie upon several eminent divines lately deceased An Elegy, or, Copy of verses lamenting the late mortality of two godly and religious ministers, Mr. T.H. of Bristol and Mr. J.G. of London : who departed this life September and October, 1678. An Elegy on Captain William Harman late commander of His Majesties ship Guernsey : occasioned by a former copy of verses on the same subject. An Elegie on that incomparable example of hospitality, charity, and generosity, the Thrice-worthy William Whitmore, Esq. who departed this life on the fifth of this instant August, 1678. |
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PR3291.A1 E43 1679 |
An Elegy on the death of Sir Nathanael Hern an eminent alderman of the city of London, who dyed on Saturday, the 16th of this instant August, 1679. An Elegie on the death of that late incomparable poet, Robert Wild, D.D who departed this life August the 12th, 1679. An Elegie upon Mr. Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury lately deceased. An Elogy upon that never to be forgotten matron, old Maddam Gwinn who was unfortunately drown'd in her own fishpond on the 29th of July, 1679. An Elegie on the death of that late incomparable poet, Robert Wild, D.D. who departed this life August the 12th, 1679. |
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PR3291.A1 E43 1680 |
An Elegy on the death of the truly reverend, learned and pious, Mr. Stephen Charnock, July 27, 1680 An Elegy on the Lord Viscount Stafford beheaded this 29th day of December, 1680, on Tower-Hill. An Elegie upon the truly worthy, and ever-to-be-remembred loyal gentleman, Captain Will. Bedlow Englad's [sic] deliverer, and the scourge of Rome : who departed this life on the 22 of this instant August, to the great grief of all true Protestants : with an account of his pious end. An Elegy upon the unfortunate death of Captain William Bedloe who departed this life on Fryday the twentieth of August, 1680. An Elegie upon the death, and in commemoration of the truly honourable and truly learned John Lord Wilmot, Earl of Rochester |
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PR3291.A1 E43 1681 |
An Elegy on the modern heroe, Redmon รด Hanlan, surnamed the Tory An Elegy on the death of Sir Joseph Sheldon, late lord mayor of London An Elegie upon Edward Fitz-Harris executed at Tyburn for high-treason upon Friday, July 1, 1681. |
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PR3291.A1 E43 1682 |
An Elegy to commemorate and lament the death of the worthy and most eminent doctor of physick, Sr. John Micklevvaite, Kt who died on Saturday, July 29th, 1682. An Elegy upon the most illustrious and high born Prince Rupert Duke of Cumberland, &c one of His Majesties Most Honourable Privy-Council, and one of the Most Honourable Order of the Garter, son of the Most Illustrious Prince Frederick the 5th, Prince Elector Palatine of the Rhine, and the high-born Princess the Lady Elizabeth, sister to our late soveraign of blessed memory, King Charles the First, and Queen of Bohemia, who deceased on the 29th of this instant November, 1682, to the great grief of all His Majesties loyal subjects. An Elegy on the death of Thomas Merry, Esq., of St. Ann's Lane who died on St. Bartholomew's day, 1682. An Elegy on the death of the Right Honourable Heneage Lord Finch, Baron of Daventry, High Chancellour of England, Earl of Nottingham, and one of the Lords of the Most Honourable Privy-Council who departed this life, Decemb. 18. 1682. An Elegy on the truly honoured and greatly beloved Sir William Jones who deceased May the 2d, 1682. An Elegy upon the most illustrious and high born Prince Rupert Duke of Cumberland, &c. one of His Majesties Most Honourable Privy-Council, and one of the Most Honourable Order of the Garter, son of the Most Illustrious Prince Frederick the 5th, Prince Elector Palatine of the Rhine, and the high-born Princess the Lady Elizabeth, sister to our late soveraign of blessed memory, King Charles the First, and Queen of Bohemia, who deceased on the 29th of this instant November, 1682, to the great grief of all His Majesties loyal subjects. An Elegy to commemorate and lament the death of the worthy and most eminent doctor of physick, Sr. John Micklevvaite, Kt. who died on Saturday, July 29th, 1682. |
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PR3291.A1 E43 1683 |
An Elegie on the Earl of Essex who cut his own throat in the Tower, July 13, 1683. An Elegy in commemoration of the Right Worshipful Sir William Scroggs late lord chief justice of His Majesties Court of Kings-Bench, who departed this life the 25th of this instant October. 1683. An Elegy on the Right Honourable Anthony Earl of Shaftsbury, who dyed on the 21st. of January, 1683 ; An Elegy on the death of (the much to be lamented) Anthony K. of Poland An Elegy on the death of Algernon Sidney, Esq. who was found guilty of high-treason, and beheaded at Tower-Hill on Friday the 7th of December, 1683. An Elegy on the death of Sir Edmund Saunders late lord chief justice of England, who dyed on the 19th of this instant June, 1683. An Elegy on the death of that learned, pious, and famous divine, Doctor John Owen who dyed the 24th of August, 1683. An Elegy on the death of William Lord Russel who was beheaded for high-treason in Lincoln-Inn-Fields, July the 21st, 1683. An Elegy on the death of the reverend, learned, and pious William Bell, D.D Vicar of S. Sepulchres, who died July the 19th, 1683. An Elegy in commemeration of Sr. Edmund Saunders late lord chief justice of His Majesties Court of Kings-Bench, vvho departed this life the 19th of this instant June, anno Domini 1683. An Elegy on the Right Honourable William Earl of Pembrook who deceased on the 29th of August, 1683. An Elegy on that worthy and famous actor, Mr. Charles Hart who departed this life Thursday, August the 18th, 1683. An Elegy on the death of the reverend, learned, and pious William Bell, D.D. Vicar of S. Sepulchres, who died July the 19th, 1683. An Elegy on the Right Honourable Anthony Earl of Shaftsbury who died on the 21st of January, 1683. An Elegy on the death of Algernon Sidney, Esq who was found guilty of high-treason, and beheaded at Tower-Hill on Friday the 7th of December, 1683. |
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PR3291.A1 E43 1684 |
An Elegy on the death of the right noble prince, Henry Howard, Duke of Norfolk who departed this life the 13th. day of this instant January, 1684. An Elegie on the never to be forgotten Sir Thomas Armstrong, Knight executed for conspiring the death of His Most Sacred Majesty and royal brother, June 20, 1684, with some satyrical reflections on the whole faction. An Elegy on the death of that eminent minister of the gospel, Mr. Nathaniel Partridge who exchanged mortality for immortality, Aug. 6. (84. An Elegy on the death of Thomas Beddingfield, Esq who was murdered by Mr. Thomas Barney at Norwich, on Sunday the 20th day of July, 1684. An Elegy upon the death of that worthy gentleman Collonel Edward Cook who departed this life the 29th of January, 1683/4 [i.e. 1684] An Elegy on the death of Thomas Beddingfield, Esq. who was murdered by Mr. Thomas Barney at Norwich, on Sunday the 20th day of July, 1684. |
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PR3291.A1 E43 1685 |
An Elegy on that reverend and learned minister of the Gospel, Mr. William Jenkins who finish'd his testimony the 19th of January, 1684/5, in the goal of Newgate, where there are above fourscore dissenters still remaining : in a dialogue between sense and faith. An Elegy on the death of His Sacred Majesty King Charles the II of blessed memory An Elegy on the death of the most illustrious Lord, the Earl of St. Albans who departed this life the first day of this instant January, 1684 [i.e. 1685] An Elegy on the most lamented of princes, King Charles the Second our late sovereign of ever blessed memory. An Elegy on Mrs. Alicia Lisle which for high-treason was beheaded at Winchester September the 2[n]d 1685. An Elegy on James Scot, late Duke of Monmouth |
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PR3291.A1 E43 1687 | An Elegy in commemeration of Madam Ellenor Gwinn who departed this life on the 14th of November, anno Dom. 1687. | 2 |
PR3291.A1 E43 1688 | An Elegy upon the death of the Right Honourable Sir John Shorter, Knight lord mayor of the city of London, who departed this life September the 4th, 1688. | 2 |
PR3291.A1 E43 1689 | An Elegy on the Right Honourable Sir John Chapman, Knt., lord mayor of the city of London who departed this life on Sunday the seventeenth of March, 1688/9, at his mansion-house at Grocers-Hall. | 2 |
PR3291.A1 E43 1691 |
An Elegy on the death of Dr. Thomas Saffold who departed this life May the 12th, 1691. An Elegy on his much honoured and now lamented friend, John Collings, D.D who departed this life the 18th of January, 1690, in the 67th year of his age. An Elegy on his much honoured and now lamented friend, John Collings, D.D. who departed this life the 18th of January, 1690, in the 67th year of his age. |
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PR3291.A1 E43 1692 | An Elegy upon the death of Mr. Francis Holcroft who dyed the sixth, and interred this twelfth of January, 1691/2 [i.e. 1692] | 2 |
PR3291.A1 E43 1693 |
An Elegy on the death of Sir William Turner, Knight and alderman of the city of London and president of Bridwell and Bethlem Hospitals, who departed this life Thursday, the 9th of February, about eleven of the clock in the forenoon, 1692/3 [i.e. 1693] An Elegy on the death of that reverend divine, and truely pious, humble, charitable servant of our Lord Jesus Christ, Mr. John Turnor, late of Hatton-Garden who departed this life the 18th of February, and was interr'd the 22th day of the same moneth, 1692 [i.e. 1693] |
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PR3291.A1 E43 1694 |
An Elegy upon the death of Mr. Mason late minister of Water-Stratford, near Buckingham, who departed this life on Monday last, the 12th of this instant May, at his house called the New Noah's Ark, at Water-Stratford. An Elegy to the heroick and eternal memory of the Right Honourable and most loyal Edward Henry, Earl of Lichfield, lately deceased |
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PR3291.A1 E43 1696 |
An Elegy on the death of James Hoare, Esq master controller of His Majesty's mint at the Tower, vvho departed this life November the 24th, 1696. An Elegy on the death of James Hoare, Esq. master controller of His Majesty's mint at the Tower, vvho departed this life November the 24th, 1696. |
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PR3291.A1 E43 1698 | Elegy occasioned by the death of the Reverend Mr. Samuel Smith late ordinary of Newgate, who departed this life on the 28th day of August 1698, aged 72 years. | 2 |