Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR3291.A1 P76 The Protestants sweet orange, or, Sower sawce for popery to a pleasant new tune, or Fuddle boys.
A proper new ballad, intituled, the Wandering prince of Troy to the tune of, Queene Dido.
PR3291.A1 P76 1675 A Prologue to physick reform'd 2
PR3291.A1 .P76 1679 A Prophesie, which hath been in a manuscript, in the Lord Powis's family sixty years 2
PR3291.A1 P76 1688 The Protestants triumph:, or, The Prince of Orange joyfully entertained in the city of London. To the tune of, A touch of the times
The Protestant address on His Majesty's calling a free-Parliament
PR3291.A1 P76 1689 The Protestants ave Mary, on the arrival of her most gracious majesty, Mary, Queen of England. 1
PR3291.A1 P76 1698 Prologue design'd for the last new farce, call'd The Fool's expectation, or, The Wheel of fortune acted at the Theatre Royal in Dorset Gardens. 2
PR3291.A1 P78 1973 A Prude : a novel by a young lady / 1
PR3291.A1 P84 1665 A Pulpit to be let woe to the idle spark that leaveth his flock, Zechar. XI, 17 : with a just applause of those worthy divines that stay with us. 2
PR3291.A1 Q4 The queens lamentation, or, The most sad and mournfull complaint of her sacred majesty, the Queen of England, upon the death of her most dear and well esteemed son, the most elustrious prince, Henry, Duke of Glocester, 3d. brother to our gracious king, Charles the 2d. Deceased the 13. of September, 1660. Carried over from France, by Sir James O Neal, knight and baronet; comitted to the press by his own inportuning desire. To the tune of, Franklin. 1
PR3291.A1 Q8 1684 The Quakers prophesie: or, Strange and wonderful news from Spittle-Fields, humbly dedicated to the Queen of Poland. To the tune of, Then covetousness out of England will run. 1
PR3291.A1 Q84 1698 The queen of the milk-women; or, An elegy occasion'd by the death of Mrs. E. G. Who departed this life on Thursday morning October 6th. 1698. As allso a fuil account how she lies in state, and threescore milk-women in mourning for her. 1
PR3291.A1 Q86 1685 The quatorse, or, The sorrowful lamentation of the Preston gentlemen in the press-yard, for the loss of P.W. 1
PR3291.A1 R3 The Rarest ballad that ever was seen, of the blind beggars daughter of Bednall-green.
A rare example of a vertuous maid in Paris, who was by her own mother procured to be put in prison, thinknig [sic] thereby to compel her to popery, but she continued to the end, and finished her life in the fire. Tune is, O man in desperation.
The Rarest ballad that ever was seen, of the blind beggars daughter of Bednal-green.
The Rarest ballad that ever was seen. Of the beggars daughter of Bednal-Green.
PR3291.A1 R3 (INTERNET) Raillerie a la mode consider'd, or, The supercilious detractor a joco-serious discourse, shewing the open impertinence and degenerosity of publishing private pecques and controversies to the world : occasionally written to a young gentleman, to shew the odium of this ingentile humour, and to direct him in the best choice of men and books. 1
PR3291.A1 R33 1659 Redemptio ab aquilone, or, Some good out of Scotland. To the tune of, Cook Laurell 1
PR3291.A1 R36 1697 On the much lamented death of that incomparable lady the Honourable the Lady Oxenden. A pindarique ode. / 1
PR3291.A1 R36 1723i The rape of the bride, or, Marriage and hanging go by destiny containing a poetical flight upon rapes, the story of Rogeria, with the humours of a fortune-teller, giving proofs how old women become young ones : describing the passions, and uneasiness of lovers, the marriage ceremony, and subsequent diversions : also setting forth the whole plot, and by whom concerted and contriv'd : together with a certain declaration at length, the manner of the trial, and the learned arguments us'd pro and con, by the Council, explaining how far evidence ought to be credited, and upon what account men wou'd be hang'd as soon as marry'd : a poem hudibrastick, in 4 canto's : with an epistle dedicatory to the fair sex. 1
PR3291.A1 R37 1682 A rapture, upon the report of her Royal Highness being with quick-child 1
PR3291.A1 .R37 1685 [The rar a' show Oates thrasht] 1
PR3291.A1 R4 The redeemed captive. The free unchain'd lover boasts that he is now at large. That other men should keep so too he gives this friendly charge. Tune, When Aurelia first was.
Renowned Robin Hood. Or, His famous archery truly related, with the worthy exploits he acted before Queen Katherine, he being an outlaw-man, and how she for the same obtained of the king, his own, and his fellows pardon. To a new tune.