Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR3291.A1 W54 The Wiltshire ballad, or, A new song compos'ed by an old cavalier of the wonders at Sarum, by which doth appear, that the old devil came again lately there, to raise a rebellion, by way of petition, but by musicks divine and powerful charms, which Satan and saints abhor, such alarms were made, that he fled, and they all kept from harms. 2
PR3291.A1 .W55 1682 The Whig's exaltation a pleasant new song of 82, to an old tune of 41. 1
PR3291.A1 W56 A Winter-wonder, or, The Thames frozen over with remarks on the resort there. 2
PR3291.A1 W56 1668 The Whores petition to the London prentices 2
PR3291.A1 .W6 The Woful lamentation of Jane Shore, a goldsmith's wife in London, sometime King Edward the Fourth's concubine, who for her wanton life came to a miserable end: set forth for the example of all wicked livers. To the tune of, Live with me, &c. 1
PR3291.A1 W6 The Woful lamentation of Mistris Jane Shore , a goldsmiths wife in London, sometime King Edward the Fourth's concubine, who for her wanton life, came to a miserable end. Set forth for the example of all lewd livers. The tune is, Live with me.
The Wofull lamentation of Mistris Jane Shore, a goldsmiths wife in London, sometimes King Edward the Second's concubine, who for her wanton life came to a miserable end. Set forth for the example of all lewd women. The tune is, Live with me.
A worthy king's description. Both country and city give ear to this ditty ... Desiring that he may enjoy his own again.
The worlds wonder. Or, a strange and miraculous work of Gods providence, shewed to a poor distressed widdow and her seven small fatherlesse children, who lived by a burnt six penny-loaf of bread, and a little water, for above seven weeks, in the wilde of Kent. To the tune of, Chevy Chase.
The woful complaint, and lamentable death of a forsaken lover. To a pleasant new tune.
The wofull complaint and lamentable death of a forsaken lover. To a pleasant new tune.
A wonderful example of Gods justice shewed upon one Jasper Conningham, a gentleman born in Scotland, who was of opinion, that there was neither God nor Devil. To the tune of, O neighbour Robert.
A wonderful example of God's iustice, shewed upon one Jasper Conningham, a gentleman born in Scotland, who was of opinion that there was neither God nor Devil. To the tune of, O neighbour Robert.
The woman outwitted: or, The weaver's wife cunningly catch'd in a trap, by her husband, who sold her for ten pounds, and sent her to Virginny. To an excellent new tune.
PR3291.A1 W6 1655 A wonderfull example of Gods justice, shewed upon one Jasper Conningham, a gentleman born in Scotland, who was of opinion that there was neither God nor Devil. To the tune of, O neighbour Robert. 1
PR3291.A1 W6 1695 The woful complaint and lamentable death of a forsaken lover. To a pleasant new tune. 1
PR3291.A1 W6 (INTERNET) The Woman turn'd bully a comedy, acted at the Duke's Theatre. 1
PR3291.A1 W65 1629 The woman to the plovv and the man to the hen-roost; or, A fine way to cure a cot-quean. The tune is, I have for all good wives a song, 1
PR3291.A1 W66 1600 The wonderfull example of God shewed vpon Jasper Coningham, a gentleman born in Scotland, who was of oppinion, that there was neither God, nor diuell, heauen nor hell. / 1
PR3291.A1 W66 1700 The woody queresters: or, The birds harmony. When birds could speak, & women they had neither good nor bad to say, the pretty birds shea-fill'd with pain, did to each other thus complain. To the tune of, The bird-catcher's delight, &c. 1
PR3291.A1 W67 1695 A worthy example of a vertuous wife, who fed her father with her own milk, he being commanded by the Emperour to be starved to death, and afterwards pardoned. Tune is, Flying fame. Licens'd and entered according to order. 1
PR3291.A1 W7 The wronged lady: or, The Lord's daughter of Leicestershire, who dy'd for the love of a young noble-man, who left her after many solemn protestations. To the tune of, If love's a sweet passion, &c. 1
PR3291.A1 Y6 The young-mans complaint, or, An answer to the damosels tragedy. When friends deny, and won't comply but let them suffer smart, we often see such cruelty, will break a lovers heart, : To the tune of, Charon, &c. /
Your humble servant madam. Being The flattering courtier. Or, The cheating lover; : to a very fine northern tune.
The young-mans lamentation: containing, his passionate complaint of his unconstant lover; together, with his resolution to leave her who scornfully slighted him. : To an excellent new tune, or, Over hills and high mountains. /
A young man put to his shifts: or, The ranting young mans resolution, wherein is showd how young wenches he doth please and of their heavy burdens doth them ease, with cunning tricks he their fancies up doth feed and they him relieve when he doth stand in need. : To the tune of, Cupids trappan.
The youngmans careless wooing; and the witty maids replication; all done out of old English proverbs. : to the tune of, Mars and Venus. /
The young mans vindication, a[g]ainst the virgin's complaint. : ... tune of, The virgin's complaint: or, Cupid's courtesie.
[Young man's joy, and the maids happiness] or, A pretty dialogue, between two amorous lovers., The young-man woo'd the damosel fair, and soon obtain'd her faivour, so they became a loving pair, twas fit that he should have her ... : To the tune of, My father gave me house and land.
The young-mans a.b.c. Or, Two douzen of verses which a young-man sent to his love, who proved unkind; wrote in the manner of an alphabet. The tune is, Aim not too high.
The young man's wooing, or, A brief description of the properties of widows and lasses. To a pleasant new tune
PR3291.A1 Y67 York and Albany's welcome to England. or, The loyal subjects joy for his most miraculous deliverance To a new play-house tune, much in request. 1
PR3291.A1 Y68 1692 The young mens advice to proud ladies: or, A friendly caution against their monstrous dress, exhorting them to modesty, which will much more become them. To the tune of, How blest are shepherds, &c. Licensed according to order. 1
PR3291.A1 Z4 The zealous lover. He strives for to illustrate her perfection ... To the tune of, Underneath the green wood tree, &c. 1
PR3291.A18 L37 1688 The Last will and testament of Father Petre's 2
PR3291.A19 E93 1673 New advice to a painter poetical essay describing the last sea-engagement with the Dutch, May the 28th, 1673 / 2