Call Number (LC) Title Results
Pr32.5906..Su7_sec.1-2 Handbook of Standards for Describing Surplus Property, Section I - Metals and Metal Basic Products, Section II - Wood Basic and Finished Products, 1944. 1
Pr 32.5906:Su 7/sec.1-2 Handbook of Standards for Describing Surplus Property, Section I - Metals and Metal Basic Products, Section II - Wood Basic and Finished Products, 1944. 1
PR 32.5908: Regulation. 1
Pr 32.5908:1 Surplus War Property Administration, Regulation No. 1. 1
Pr32.5908..1 Surplus War Property Administration, Regulation No. 1. 1
Pr 32.6002:C 82 Report of the President's committee on the cost of living. 1
PR33 GCSE LITERATURE BOOST a christmas carol.
Decolonising the literature curriculum /
Experiencing English literature : shaping authentic student response in thinking and writing /
International perspectives on the teaching of literature in schools : global principles and practices /
PR33 .A4 The art of literary research. 1
PR33 .A66 2000 Critical encounters in high school English : teaching literary theory to adolescents / 1
PR33 .A66 2009 Critical encounters in high school English : teaching literary theory to adolescents / 1
PR33 .A84 2013eb  
PR33 .B5 The reading and writing of English 1
PR33 .B69 1993 Literature in its place / 1
PR33 .B7 Making literature lessons live : a practical guide to success in the teaching of literature. 1
PR33 .B885 2018 Literary studies deconstructed : a polemic / 1
PR33 .C48 1999 The changing face of English literary and cultural studies in a transnational environment / 1
PR33 .C6 The study of English literature : a plea for its recognition and organization at the universities / 1
PR33.C65 1927a An evaluation of extensive and intensive teaching of literature : a year's experiment in the eleventh grade / 1
PR33 .C65 1927a LB5.C8 no. 275 An evaluation of extensive and intensive teaching of literature : a year's experiment in the eleventh grade / 1
PR33 .D43 2024 Decolonizing the English literary curriculum / 1