Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR3317 .A6 1995 The rover : The feigned courtesans ; The lucky chance ; The emperor of the moon / 1
PR3317 .A6 2021 Plays 1682-1696 / 1
PR3317.A6 (INTERNET) The Dutch lover a comedy acted at the Dvkes theatre / 1
PR3317 .B43 A poem humbly dedicated to the great patern [sic] of piety and virtue Catherine, Queen Dowager on the death of her dear lord and husband, King Charles II / 2
PR3317.C6 (INTERNET) A congratulatory poem to Her Most Sacred Majesty, on the universal hopes of all loyal persons for a Prince of Wales
A congratulatory poem to Her Sacred Majesty, Queen Mary upon her arrival in England
PR3317 .C65 1688 A congratulatory poem to His Most Sacred Majesty on the happy birth of the Prince of Wales 2
PR3317.D4 (INTERNET) The debauchee, or, The credulous cuckold a comedy acted at His Highness the Duke of York's Theatre. 1
PR3317.F3 (INTERNET) The false count, or, A new way to play an old game as it is acted at the Duke's Theatre / 1
PR3317 .F34 1700 Fair jilt: or, The amours of Prince Tarquin and Miranda. Containing, I. Her intriguing with several persons of quality ... II. Being pressed by her sister to pay her fortune ... and her prevailing with her page ... to make away with her sister ... III. The history of Prince Henrick, or the unnatural brother .. 1
PR3317 .F35 1697 The false count, or, A new way to play an old game a comedy as is acted at the Theater-Royal by His Majesty's servants / 2
PR3317.F4 (INTERNET) The feign'd curtizans, or, A nights intrigue a comedy : as it is acted at the Dukes Theatre / 1
PR3317 .F45 1679 The feign'd curtizans, or, A nights intrique. A comedy as it is acted at the Dukes Theatre / 1
PR3317.F6 (INTERNET) The forc'd marriage, or, The jealous bridegroom a tragi-comedy : as it is acted at His Highnesse the Duke of Yorks theatre / 1
PR3317.H5 (INTERNET) The history of the nun, or, The fair vow-breaker 1
PR3317 H57 1697 [The histories and novels of Mrs. A. Behn] 1
PR3317 (INTERNET) A pindarick on the death of our late sovereign with an ancient prophecy on his present Majesty /
Two congratulatory poems to Their Most Sacred Majesties the first, occasioned on the universal hopes of all loyal persons for a Prince of Wales : the second, on the happy birth of the Prince /
To the most illustrious Prince Christopher, Duke of Albemarle, on his voyage to his government of Jamaica a pindarick /
Oroonoko, or, The royal slave a true history /
The amorous prince, or, The curious husband a comedy /
The Roundheads, or, The good old cause a comedy as it is acted at His Royal Highness the Dukes Theatre /
Sir Patient Fancy a comedy : as it is acted at the Duke's Theatre /
The town-fopp, or, Sir Timothy Tawdrey a comedy : as it is acted at His Royal Highness the Duke's theatre /
The rover, or, The banish't cavaliers as it is acted at His Royal Highness the Duke's theatre.
Prologue to Romulus spoken by Mrs. Butler /
The city-heiress, or, Sir Timothy Treat-all a comedy : as it is acted at His Royal Highness his theatre /
A prologue to her new play called Like father, like son, or, The mistaken brothers
The luckey chance, or, An alderman's bargain a comedy as is acted by their Majesty's servants /
A congratulatory poem to His Most Sacred Majesty on the happy birth of the Prince of Wales
Poems upon several occasions with, A voyage to the island of love /
The young king, or, The mistake as 'tis acted at His Royal Highness, the Dukes Theatre /
The widdow Ranter, or, The history of Bacon in Virginia a tragi-comedy, acted by Their Majesties servants /
The lives of sundry notorious villains, memorable for their base and abominable actions together with a novel as it really happened at Roan in France.
The emperor of the moon a farce : as it is acted by Their Majesties servants at the Queens Theatre /
Poems upon several occasions with A voyage to the island of love : also The lover in fashion, being an account from Lydicus to Lysander of his voyage from the island of love /
The fair jilt, or, The history of Prince Tarquin and Miranda
A pindarick poem on the happy coronation of His Most Sacred Majesty James II and his illustrious consort Queen Mary
PR3317 .L2 1689 The lucky mistake a new novel / 2
PR3317.L3 (INTERNET) The lady's looking-glass, to dress herself by, or, The whole art of charming 1
PR3317 .L5 1693 Love-letters between a noble-man and his sister 2
PR3317 .L6 Love-letters from a nobleman to his sister: mixt with the history of their adventures. : The second part by the same hand. 1