Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR3317 (INTERNET) A pindarick on the death of our late sovereign with an ancient prophecy on his present Majesty /
Two congratulatory poems to Their Most Sacred Majesties the first, occasioned on the universal hopes of all loyal persons for a Prince of Wales : the second, on the happy birth of the Prince /
To the most illustrious Prince Christopher, Duke of Albemarle, on his voyage to his government of Jamaica a pindarick /
Oroonoko, or, The royal slave a true history /
The amorous prince, or, The curious husband a comedy /
The Roundheads, or, The good old cause a comedy as it is acted at His Royal Highness the Dukes Theatre /
Sir Patient Fancy a comedy : as it is acted at the Duke's Theatre /
The town-fopp, or, Sir Timothy Tawdrey a comedy : as it is acted at His Royal Highness the Duke's theatre /
The rover, or, The banish't cavaliers as it is acted at His Royal Highness the Duke's theatre.
Prologue to Romulus spoken by Mrs. Butler /
The city-heiress, or, Sir Timothy Treat-all a comedy : as it is acted at His Royal Highness his theatre /
A prologue to her new play called Like father, like son, or, The mistaken brothers
The luckey chance, or, An alderman's bargain a comedy as is acted by their Majesty's servants /
A congratulatory poem to His Most Sacred Majesty on the happy birth of the Prince of Wales
Poems upon several occasions with, A voyage to the island of love /
The young king, or, The mistake as 'tis acted at His Royal Highness, the Dukes Theatre /
The widdow Ranter, or, The history of Bacon in Virginia a tragi-comedy, acted by Their Majesties servants /
The lives of sundry notorious villains, memorable for their base and abominable actions together with a novel as it really happened at Roan in France.
The emperor of the moon a farce : as it is acted by Their Majesties servants at the Queens Theatre /
Poems upon several occasions with A voyage to the island of love : also The lover in fashion, being an account from Lydicus to Lysander of his voyage from the island of love /
The fair jilt, or, The history of Prince Tarquin and Miranda
A pindarick poem on the happy coronation of His Most Sacred Majesty James II and his illustrious consort Queen Mary
PR3317 .L2 1689 The lucky mistake a new novel / 2
PR3317.L3 (INTERNET) The lady's looking-glass, to dress herself by, or, The whole art of charming 1
PR3317 .L5 1693 Love-letters between a noble-man and his sister 2
PR3317 .L6 Love-letters from a nobleman to his sister: mixt with the history of their adventures. : The second part by the same hand. 1
PR3317.L6 (INTERNET) Love-letters between a noble-man and his sister 1
PR3317 .L7 1987b Love-letters between a nobleman and his sister / 1
PR3317 .L7 1996 Love-letters between a nobleman and his sister / 1
PR3317.L8 (INTERNET) The lucky mistake a new novel / 1
PR3317 .L83 1687 The luckey chance, or, An alderman's bargain a comedy as is acted by their Majesty's servants / 2
PR3317 .O7 1986 Oroonoko and other stories / 1
PR3317 .O7 1997 Oroonoko : an authoritative text, historical backgrounds, criticism / 1
PR3317 .O7 2000 Oroonoko, or, The royal slave / 1
PR3317 .O7 2003 Oroonoko / 1
PR3317 .O7 2014 Oroonoko / 1
PR3317 .O72 1992 Oroonoko, The rover and other works / 1
PR3317.O73 A67 2014 Approaches to teaching Behn's Oroonoko / 1
PR3317.O73 T76 2004 Troping Oroonoko from Behn to Bandele / 1
PR3317.O73 T76 2018  
PR3317 .P45 1685 A pindarick on the death of our late sovereign with an ancient prophecy on his present Majesty / 2