Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR3347 .W65 1697 Woman's wit, or, The lady in fashion a comedy acted at the Theatre Royal by His Majesties servants / 2
PR3347 .Z2 A letter from Mr. Cibber to Mr. Pope : inquiring into the motives that might induce him in his satyrical works, to be so frequently fond of Mr. Cibber's name. 1
PR3348.C13 A19 1981 The plays of Theophilus and Susannah Cibber / 1
PR3348.C3 R46 Repressaliæ sunt licitæ 2
PR3348.C4 (INTERNET) Marciano, or, The discovery a tragi-comedy, acted with great applause before His Majesties High Commissioner, and others of the nobility, at the Abby of Holyrud-house, on St. Johns night, by a company of gentlemen. 1
PR3348.C4 M42 1666 Meditations in my confinement, when my house was visited with the sickness in April, May and June, 1666, in which time I buried two children, and had three more of my family sick. 2
PR3348.C65 ebook Fanny Hill : memorias de una mujer galante / 1
PR3348.C65 M4 1931 Memoirs of a coxcomb / 1
PR3348.C65 M4 1974 Memoirs of a coxcomb. 1
PR3348.C65 M45 1888 Memoirs of Fanny Hill / 1
PR3348.C65 M45 1888 (Delta) Memoirs of Fanny Hill / 1
PR3348.C65 M45 1950 (Delta) Memoirs of Fanny Hill / 1
PR3348.C65 M45 1956 Memoirs of Fanny Hill. 1
PR3348.C65 M45 1963 Memoirs of a woman of pleasure / 1
PR3348.C65 M45 1989 Fanny Hill : memoirs of a woman of pleasure / 1
PR3348.C65 M45 1999 Memoirs of a woman of pleasure / 1
PR3348.C65 M45 2001 Fanny Hill, or, Memoirs of a woman of pleasure / 1
PR3348.C65 M4514 1914 Mémoires de Fanny Hill, femme de plaisir : avec des documents sur la vie à Londres au XVIIIe siècle, et notamment La vie galante, d'après Les sérails de Londres / 1
PR3348.C65 M54 1988 A KWIC concordance to John Cleland's Memoirs of a woman of pleasure / 1
PR3348.C65 M547 2003 Launching Fanny Hill : essays on the novel and its influences / 1