Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR3430.D7 (INTERNET) The visions of the soul, before it comes into the body in several dialogues /
The parable of the top-knots
A voyage round the world, or, A pocket-library divided into several volumes ... : the whole work intermixt with essays, historical, moral, and divine, and all other kinds of learning /
The art of living incognito being a thousand letters on as many uncommon subjects /
The Dublin scuffle being a challenge sent by John Dunton, citizen of London, to Patrick Campbel, bookseller in Dublin : together with small skirmishes of bills and advertisements : to which is added the billet doux sent him by a citizens wife in Dublin, tempting him to lewdness, with his answers to her : also some account of his conversation in Ireland, intermixt with particular characters of the most eminent persons he convers'd with in that kingdom ... : in several letters to the spectators of this scuffle, with a poem on the whole encounter.
PR3430.D86 .M87 1696 Musæ subsecivæ, seu, Poetica stromata 1
PR3430.D86 M87 1696 Musæ subsecivæ, seu, Poetica stromata 1
PR3431 Poems on several occasions, together with a pastoral, 1703 Women Writers Project first electronic edition /
The female advocate, 1686 Women Writers Project first electronic edition /
PR3431 .D3 A compleat collection of Mr. D'Urfey's songs and odes whereof the first part never before published. 2
PR3431.D3 Thomas Durfey and Restoration drama : the work of a forgotten writer / 1
PR3431.D3 A42 1698 Albion's blessing a poem panegyrical on His Sacred Majesty, King William the III, and on his happy return, and the publishing the late glorious peace / 2
PR3431.D3 A48 1682 Advice to the city sung to the King at Windsor, to a theorbo. 2
PR3431.D3A6 (INTERNET) New poems, consisting of satyrs, elegies, and odes together with a Choice collection of the newest court songs set to musick by the best masters of the age / 1
PR3431.D3 .B4 Beneath a shady willow near, ... 1
PR3431.D3 B66 Bonny Dundee, or, Jockey's deliverence being his valiant escape from Dundee, and the parson's daughter, whom he had mow'd : To an excellent tune, called, Bonny Dundee. 1
PR3431.D3 C6 1694 The comical history of Don Quixote. As it is acted at the Queens Theatre in Dorset-Garden, by their Majesties servants.
The comical history of Don Quixote, as it is acted at the Queens Theatre in Dorset-Garden, by their Majesties servants.
PR3431.D3 C66 1682 The constant lover, or, Celia's glory exprest to the life a pleasant new song (as it's sung after the Italian manner) and great in request at court and in the city : to the pleasant new tune of, Why are my eyes still flo----------ing. 1
PR3431.D3 C66 1694 The comical history of Don Quixote. As it was acted at the Queen's theatre in Dorset-Garden, by Their Majesties servants. Part 1. / 1
PR3431.D3 D8 (INTERNET) An essay towards the theory of the intelligible world intuitively considered designed for forty-nine parts : Part III : consisting of a preface, a postscript, and a little something between / 1
PR3431.D3 E83 1700 An excellent new play-house song; called, The bonny gray-ey'd morn; or, Jockie rouz'd with love. To an excellent new tune. 1
PR3431.D3 (INTERNET) A poem congratulatory on the birth of the young prince most humbly dedicated to Their August Majesties King James, and Queen Mary /
The injured princess, or, The fatal vvager
The fool turn'd critick a comedy : as it was acted at the Theatre-Royall, by His Majesties servants /
The gowlin, or, A pleasant fancy for the spring being a brisk encounter betwixt a Scotch leard, and a buxome begger-wene he captivated was at the first sight, not with her gay attire, but beauty bright : he woo'd and won her for to serve his will, yet he's a leard, and she a begger still. To a New play-house tune, or, See the gowlin my Jo, &c.
An elegy upon the late blessed monarch King Charles II and two panegyricks upon Their present sacred Majesties, King James and Queen Mary
Butler's ghost, or, Hudibras with reflections upon these times.
Collin's walk through London and VVestminster a poem in burlesque /
The campaigners, or, The pleasant adventures at Brussels a comedy : with a familiar preface upon a late reformer of the stage : ending with a satyrical fable of The dog and the ottor /
Gloriana, funeral pindarique poem sacred to the blessed memory of that ever-admir'd and most excellent princess, our late gracious soveraign lady Queen Mary /
Pendragon, or, The carpet knight his kalendar
A fool's preferment, or, The Dukes of Dunstable a comedy, as it was acted at the Queens Theatre in Dorset-Garden, by Their Majesties servants /
A fond husband, or, The plotting sisters a comedy as it is acted at His Royal Highness the Duke's Theatre /
The famous history of the rise and fall of Massaniello in two parts /
The maiden-warrier, or, The damsels resolution to fight in field, by the side of Jockey her entire love to an excellent new tune.
The malecontent, a satyr being the sequel of the Progress of honesty, or A view of court and city.
Madam Fickle, or, The witty false one a comedy as it is acted at His Royal Highness the Duke's theatre /
The intrigues at Versailles, or, A jilt in all humours a comedy : acted by His Majesty's servants at the theatre in Lincolns-Inn-Fields /
Love for money, or, The boarding school a comedy as it is acted at the Theatre Royal /
The siege of Memphis, or, The ambitious queen a tragedy acted at the Theater-Royal /
Prologue to A commonwealth of women spoke by Mr. Haynes, habited like a Whig, captain of the scyth-men in the west, a scythe in his hand.
The Richmond heiress, or, A woman once in the right a comedy acted at the Theatre Roayl [sic] by Their Majesties servants /
Trick for trick, or, The debauch'd hypocrite a comedy, as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal by His Majestie's servants /
The virtuous wife, or, Good luck at last a comedy, as it is acted at the Dukes Theater by His Royal Highness his servants /
A pindarick ode on New-Year's-Day perform'd by vocal and instrumental musick before Their Sacred Majesties, K. William and Q. Mary /
The constant lover, or, Celia's glory exprest to the life a pleasant new song (as it's sung after the Italian manner) and great in request at court and in the city : to the pleasant new tune of, Why are my eyes still flo----------ing.
The marriage-hater match'd a comedy acted at the Theatre Royal by Their Majesties servants /
The New-market song to the tune of, Old Symon the king.
The progress of honesty, or, A view of a court and city a pindarique poem /
A new opera, call'd, Cinthia and Endimion, or, The loves of the deities as it was designed to be acted at Court, before the late Queen, and now acted at the Theatre Royal, by His Majesty's servants : The second edition /
A new collections of songs and poems
The royalist a comedy : as it is acted at the Duke's Theatre /
Squire Oldsapp, or, The night-adventurers a comedy, as it is acted at His Royal Highness the Duke's Theatre /
The prologue to Mr. Lacy's new play, Sir Hercules Buffoon, or, The poetical esquire
The Scotch lasses constancy, or, Jenny's lamentation for the death of Jockey who for her sake was unfortunately kill'd by Sawny in a duel, being a most pleasant new song, to a new tune.
A pindarick poem on the Royal Navy most humbly dedicated to Their August Majesties, K. William, and Q. Mary /
A common-wealth of women a play : as it is acted at the Theatre Royal, by Their Majesties servants /
A prologue to a new play, called The royallist
PR3431.D3 K56 1682 The king's health 1
PR3431.D3 L6 1691 Love for money, or, The boarding school a comedy as it is acted at the Theatre Royal /
Love for money, or, The boarding school a comedy /
PR3431.D3 L68 1696 Love for money, or, The boarding school a comedy as it is acted at the Theatre Royal / 2