Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR3433 .F2 1666 St. Leonard's hill a poem / 2
PR3433.F2 (INTERNET) St. Leonard's hill a poem / 1
PR3433 .F3 1870 The poetical works of William Falconer. 1
PR3433.F3 A116 2003 A critical edition of the poetical works of William Falconer / 1
PR3433.F3 A7 1762 The shipwreck : a poem, in three cantos / 1
PR3433.F35 A4 1675x The age & life of man. Here you may see the frailty that's in men, till they have run the years threescore and ten. / 1
PR3433.F5 (INTERNET) Love in the dark, or, The man of bus'ness a comedy : acted at the Theatre Royal by His Majesties servants / 1
PR3433.F6 A17 1964 Shorter poems and translations / 1
PR3433.F6 (INTERNET) A panegyrick to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty upon his happy accession to the crown, and his more fortvnate marriage /
The sacrifice a tragedy /
A pindarick ode on the sacred memory of our late Gracious Sovereign King Charles II to which is added, another essay on the same occasion /
PR3433.F6 T54 1655 This is call'd, Maids looke well about you, or, The cunning yung-man fitted to the tune of Weet [?] and weary /
This is call'd, Maids looke well about you, or, The cunning yung-man fitted to the tune of Weet [?] and weary.
PR3433.F65 J6 Joyfull news to the nation: or, The crowning of King Charls [sic] the II. on the 23. of April being on St. Georges day, of his going from the Tower of London to White-hall, on monday [sic], being the 22. day, with his passing by water from White-hall to Westminster-hall, and from thence to the Abbey, where he was crowned; from thence quite back again with his noble train, with the rare fire-works upon London Thames. To the tune of Packingtons pound. 1
PR3433.F7 A6 1964 Shorter poems and translations / 1
PR3433.F7 A6 1997 The poems and translations of Sir Richard Fanshawe / 1
PR3433.F7 L68 1689 Love in the dark, or, The man of bus'ness a comedy acted at the Theatre Royal by His Majesties servants / 2
PR3433.F7 S3 1687 The sacrifice a tragedy / 4
PR3433.M68 F2 1653 The mourners blazonry 1
PR3434.F2 I74 1689 The Irish Hudibras, or, Fingallian prince taken from the sixth book of Virgil's Æneids, and adapted to the present times. 2
PR3435 The recruiting officer /
The beaux' stratagem /
PR3435 .A1 1892 The dramatic works / 1
PR3435 .A1 1907 George Farquhar / 1