Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR3433.F7 A6 1964 Shorter poems and translations / 1
PR3433.F7 A6 1997 The poems and translations of Sir Richard Fanshawe / 1
PR3433.F7 L68 1689 Love in the dark, or, The man of bus'ness a comedy acted at the Theatre Royal by His Majesties servants / 2
PR3433.F7 S3 1687 The sacrifice a tragedy / 4
PR3433.M68 F2 1653 The mourners blazonry 1
PR3434.F2 I74 1689 The Irish Hudibras, or, Fingallian prince taken from the sixth book of Virgil's Æneids, and adapted to the present times. 2
PR3435 The recruiting officer /
The beaux' stratagem /
PR3435 .A1 1892 The dramatic works / 1
PR3435 .A1 1907 George Farquhar / 1
PR3435 .A1 1930 The complete works of George Farquhar in two volumes / 1
PR3435 .A1 1949 George Farquhar / 1
PR3435 .A1 1967 The complete works / 1
PR3435.A5 K44 1988 The works of George Farquhar / 3
PR3436 .A7 George Farquhar. 1
PR3436 .M94 1995 The constant couple : The twin rivals ; The recruiting officer ; The beaux' stratagem /
The constant couple ; The twin rivals ; The recruiting officer ; The beaux' stratagem /
PR3436 .S7 1914 A discourse upon comedy : The recruiting officer and The beaux stratagem / 1
PR3437 The recruiting officer. : The National Theatre production / 1
PR3437 .A21 1699 The adventures of Covent-Garden in imitation of Scarron's City romance. 1
PR3437 .B4 1707a The beaux stratagem, 1707. : A comedy. As it is acted at the Queen's theatre in the Hay-market / 1
PR3437 .B4 1967 The beaux' stratagem / 1