Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR3459.F3 A7 1969 The adventures of David Simple : containing an account of his travels through the Cities of London and Westminster in the search of a real friend / 1
PR3459.F3 A7 1987 The adventures of David Simple : containing an account of his travels through the cities of London and Westminster in the search of a real friend / 1
PR3459.F3 A7 1998 The adventures of David Simple : containing an account of his travels through the cities of London and Westminster, in the search of a real friend ; and, The adventures of David Simple, volume the last : in which his history is concluded / 2
PR3459.F3 C7 2018eb The cry : a new dramatic fable / 2
PR3459.F3 G68 2005 The governess, or, The little female academy / 1
PR3459.F3 G68 2013eb The governess : or, The little female academy : calculated for the entertainment and instruction of young ladies in their education / 1
PR3459.F3 H45 1760a The history of Ophelia. 1
PR3459.F3 H5 1974 The history of the Countess of Dellwyn. 1
PR3459.F3 H59 2022 The history of the Countess of Dellwyn / 1
PR3459.F3 L5 1928 The lives of Cleopatra & Octavia / 1
PR3459.F3 L5 1994 The lives of Cleopatra and Octavia / 2
PR3459.F3 V144 2009eb Y dónde desemboca el mar? : historia rimada de un secuestro en las montañas de Colombia / 1
PR3459.F3 Z58 1996 Sarah Fielding / 2
PR3459.F3 Z65 2017 A political biography of Sarah Fielding / 1
PR3461.F25 F86 1761 A funeral discourse : occasioned by the much lamented death of Mr. Yorick, Prebendary of Y--k and author of the much admired life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, preached before a very mixed society of jemmies, jessamies, Methodists and Christians, at a nocturnal meeting in Petticoat Lane and now published at the unanimous request of the hearers ... / 1
PR3461.F26 T57 1658 Threnodia triumphalis in obitum serenissimi nostri principis Olivari Angliæ, Scotiæ, Hiberniæ, cum dominationibus ubicunque jacentibus : nuperi protectoris (qui obiit Septemb. 3) : ubi stupendæ passim victoriæ & incredibiles domi forasque successus, hoerico carmine succinctim perstringuntur / 2
PR3461.F26 T57 1659 Threnodia triumphalis a triumphal funeral-ode : being a compendious and succinct series of his late most invincible highness stupendious successes at home and abroad, both by his own personal prowess and also the influential emanation of his most honble [sic] Privy-Council / 2
PR3461.F3A6 (INTERNET) Poems and songs 1
PR3461.F3 D66 1665 Don Juan Lamberto: or, A comical history of our late times. Wherein the subtil contrivances, arch rogueries, and villainous treasons of the late notorious rebels, under several feigned names are jovially discovered, and to the very life displayed. : In two parts. / 1
PR3461.F3 (INTERNET) Don Juan Lamberto, or, a comical history of the late times.
A song for St. Cæcilia's Day, Nov. 22, 1686
A pindarique ode on the death of the Right Honourable Thomas, Earl of Ossory
Matrimonii pensitatio, or, No joynture but the hugg-rural
On the death of the Right Honorable the Duke of Ormond a pindarique ode /
On the death of the illustrious Prince Rupert a pindarique ode /
On the death of the truly valiant, and loyal George, Duke of Albemarle, late general of His Majesties forces, and knight of the Honorable Order of the Garter a pindariqu' ode /
On the death of our late sovereign lord King Charles II of blessed memory a pindarique ode /