Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR3517.H3 C65 1976 The country gentleman : a "lost" play and its background / 1
PR3517.H3D84 (INTERNET) The duell of the stags a poem / 1
PR3517.H3 F58 1692 Five new plays viz. The surprisal, Committee comedies and The Indian queen, Vestal virgin, Duke of Lerma tragedies : as they were acted by His Majesty's servants at the Theatre-Royal / 2
PR3517.H3 G7 1988 A critical edition of Sir Robert Howard's The great favourite ; or, The Duke of Lerma / 1
PR3517.H3 (INTERNET) Poems on several occasions 1
PR3517.H3 P63 1696 Poems on several occasions 1
PR3517.H3 S8 1665 The surprisal, a comedy. / 1
PR3517.H3 Z75 Sir Robert Howard, 1626-1698 : a critical biography. 1
PR3517.H4 (INTERNET) An ansvver to Dr. Stillingfleet's Mischief of separation being a letter written out of the countrey to a person of quality in the city. Who took offence at the late sermon of Dr. Stillingfleet, Dean of S. Pauls; before the lord mayor.
A letter written out of the countrey to a person of quality in the city who took offence at the late sermon of Dr. Stillingfleet, Dean of S. Pauls, before the Lord Mayor
PR3517.H5 D45 1644 Dendrologia = Dodona's grove, or The vocall forrest. / 1
PR3517.H5 (INTERNET) Parables reflecting upon the times
A trance, or, Newes from Hell brought fresh to towne by Mercurius Acheronticus.
The vision, or, A dialog between the soul and the bodie fancied in a morning-dream.
Thērologia, The parly of beasts, or, Morphandra, queen of the inchanted iland wherein men were found, who being transmuted to beasts, though proffer'd to be dis-inchanted, and to becom men again, yet, in regard of the crying sins and rebellious humors of the times, they prefer the life of a brute animal before that of a rational creture ... : with reflexes upon the present state of most countries in Christendom : divided into a XI sections /
Epistolæ Ho-elianæ familiar letters domestic and forren divided into sundry sections, partly historicall, politicall, philosophicall, vpon emergent occasions /
A German diet, or, The ballance of Europe wherein the power and vveaknes ... of all the kingdoms and states of Christendom are impartially poiz'd : at a solemn convention of som German princes in sundry elaborat orations pro & con ... /
PR3517.H5 S65 1654 Some of Mr. Hovvell's minor works, reflecting upon the times upon emergent occasions. 2
PR3517.H5 V67 1642 The vote, or, A poeme royall presented to His Maiestie for a new-yeares-gift, by way of discourse 'twixt the poet and his muse. 2
PR3517.H5 Z5 1650 Epistolae Ho-Elianae. : Familiar letters domestic and forren ... partly historicall, politicall, philosophicall, vpon emergent occasions / 1
PR3517.H5 Z5 1688 Epistolæ Ho-Elianæ. : Familiar letters, domestic and forren. Divided into four books, partly historical, political, philosophical, upon emergent occasions / 1
PR3517.H5 Z5 1890 Epistolae Ho-Elianae : the familiar letters of James Howell, historiographer royal to Charles II. / 1
PR3517.H5 Z5 1907 Epistolæ Ho-Elianæ. : The familiar letters of James Howell / 1
PR3517.H5 Z53 1928 Certain letters of James Howell : selected from the Familiar letters as first published between 1645 & 1655. 1
PR3517.H69 (INTERNET) Hugh Peters figaries, or, His merry tales, and witty jests both in city, town & countreys. In a pleasant and historical discourse; shewing, 1. His merry pranks and conjurations, betwixt the miller and his wife, and the parson of the town in a kneading trough; with their several speeches. 2. How Mr. Peters was [illegible] by the butchers wife; and how he lighted the blind harper. With the rare conceits upon the citizens wives. 3. How he pretended to cloath Christ in a biff-coat; his opening of heaven gates to a committee-man; and how he looked for that monster Oliver Cromwel, but could not find him. With many other delightful stories. 1
PR3517.H7 (INTERNET) The triumph of peace a poem.
The court of Neptune a poem, address'd to the Right Honourable Charles Montague, Esq. /