Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR3537.L5 L44 2011 Dead masters : mentoring and intertextuality in Samuel Johnson / 2
PR3537.L5 O44 1984 Motto, context, essay : the classical background of Samuel Johnson's Rambler and Adventurer essays / 1
PR3537.L5 R44 2010 Johnson's Milton / 1
PR3537.L5 R44 2010eb Johnson's Milton / 1
PR3537.L5 S54 1995 Samuel Johnson's critical opinions : a reexamination / 2
PR 3537 .L5 S63 2004  
PR3537.L5 S63 2004 Johnson's critical presence : image, history, judgment / 1
PR3537.L5 S63 2017 Johnson's critical presence : image, history, judgment / 1
PR3537.L5 S64 2023 The literary criticism of Samuel Johnson : forms of artistry and thought / 2
PR3537.M4 W54 1990 Samuel Johnson in the medical world : the doctor and the patient /
Samuel Johnson in the Medical World : the Doctor and the Patient /
PR3537.O74 N37 2012 Samuel Johnson's attitude toward Islam : a study of his Oriental readings and writings / 1
PR3537.P5 E73 1999 Samuel Johnson's "general nature" : tradition and transition in eighteenth-century discourse / 2
PR3537.P5 H56 1988 Samuel Johnson : an analysis / 2
PR3537.P5 H84 1988 Samuel Johnson and eighteenth-century thought / 1
PR3537.P5 T4 1988 Samuel Johnson and three infidels : Rousseau, Voltaire, Diderot / 1
PR3537.P5 W55 2008 Print, chaos, and complexity : Samuel Johnson and eighteenth-century media culture / 1
PR3537.P5 -- W55 2008eb Print, chaos, and complexity : samuel johnson and eighteenth-century media culture. 2
PR3537.P58 V46 1999 Johnson the poet : the poetic career of Samuel Johnson / 1
PR3537.P6 C36 1994 Samuel Johnson and the politics of Hanoverian England / 1
PR3537.P6 C53 1994 Samuel Johnson : literature, religion, and English cultural politics from the Restoration to Romanticism / 1