Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR3542.L7 I54 1660 The ill fortune of a younger brother and I wish no mans fall by such another ... : to the tune of, If I should marry a young wife / 1
PR3542 .L8 The works of George Lord Lyttelton / 1
PR3542 .L8 1801 The poetical works of George Lord Lyttelton : with additions to which prefixed an account of his life. 1
PR3542.L8 Z54 1977 Memoirs and correspondence of George, Lord Lyttelton, from 1734 to 1773 / 1
PR3543.M11 O5 1670 On the death of the illustrious George Duke of Albemarle 1
PR3543.M13 F3 1974 The fair moralist / 1
PR3543.M19 (INTERNET) Reason an essay /
Aretina, or, The serious romance Written originally in English. Part first.
PR3543 .M2 1808 The works of Henry Mackenzie, esq. 1
PR3543 .M2 2011 A critical edition of the novels of Scottish writer Henry Mackenzie (1745-1831) / 1
PR3543.M2 A8 The anecdotes and egotisms of Henry Mackenzie, 1745-1831, now first published / 1
PR3543.M2 J8 1777a Julia de Roubigné / 1
PR3543.M2 J8 1815a Julia de Roubigné 1
PR3543.M2 M3 1928 The man of feeling / 1
PR3543.M2 M3 1970 The man of feeling / 1
PR3543.M2 M34 1771a The man of feeling. 1
PR3543.M2 M38 1773a The man of the world. 1
PR3543.M2 Z54 1967 Letters to Elizabeth Rose of Kilravock on literature events and people 1768-1815 / 1
PR3543.M2 Z63 Henry Mackenzie / 2
PR3543.M2 Z8 A Scottish man of feeling : some account of Henry Mackenzie, esq., of Edinburgh, and of the golden age of Burns and Scott / 1
PR3543.M3 A6 Four comedies.
Four comedies /