Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR3541.L5 A7 1906 The London merchant, or, The history of George Barnwell : and Fatal curiosity / 1
PR3541.L5 A7 1952 The London merchant, or, The history of George Barnwell / 1
PR3541.L5 A7 1965 The London merchant / 1
PR3541.L5 A74 1738a Marina : [a play of three acts]. --
Marina, 1738.
PR3541 .L53 1678 Politeuphuia, Wits common-wealth
Politeuphuia, Wits common-wealth.
PR3541.L53 1690 A supplication directed by Sir David Lindsay of the Mount, in contemption of side-tailes, and muzzled-faces. 1
PR3541.L53 A52 1680 Albion's congratulatory, or, A poem upon the high and mighty Prince James, Duke of Albany and York, his return unto Scotland 1
PR3541.L54 1653 Two bookes of constancy: 1
PR3541.L54 A6 1789 The miscellaneous works of Richard Linnecar, of Wakefield. 1
PR3541.L54 T73 1699 The traveller's song; or, Pleasant meditations on the way. 1
PR3541.L55 (INTERNET) The legend of Captaine Iones relating his adventure to sea: his first landing, and strange combate with a mightie beare. His furious battell with his sixe and thirtie men against the armie of eleven kings, with their overthrow and deaths. His relieving of Kemper Castle. His strange and admirable sea-fight with sixe huge gallies of Spain, and nine thousand sonldiers [sic]. His taking prisoner, and hard usage. Lastly, his setting at liberty by the Kings command, and returne for England.
The legend of Captaine Jones relating his adventure to sea, his first landing, and strange combat with a mighty beare : his furious battell with his six and thirty men, against the army of eleven kings, with their overthtow [sic] and deaths, his relieving of Kemper Castle, his strange and admirable sea-fight with six huge gallies of Spain, and nine thousand soldiers, his taking prisoner and hard usage : lastly, his setting at liberty by the Kings command, and returne for England.
PR3541.L55 L4 1659 The legend of Captain Jones. Relating his adventure to sea: His first landing, and strange combat with a mighty bear. His furious battel with his six and thirty men, against the army of eleven kings, with their overthrow and deaths. His relieving of Kemper Castle. His strange and admirable sea-fight with six huge gallies of Spain, and nine thousand souldiers. : His taking prisoner, and hard usage. Lastly, his setting at liberty by the Kings command, and return for England. 1
PR3541.L55 L4 (INTERNET) The legend of Captain Iones continued from his first part to his end wherein is delivered his incredible adventures and atchievements by sea and land : particularly, his miraculous deliverance from a wrack at sea by the support of a dolphin, his severall desperate duels, his combate with Bahader Cham, a gyant of the race of Og, his loves, his deep imployments and happy successe in businesse of state : all which and more is but the tithe of his owne relation, which he continued untill he grew speechlesse, and died. 1
PR3541.L55 L43 1648 The legend of Captain Iones continued from his first part to his end wherein is delivered his incredible adventures and atchievements by sea and land : particularly, his miraculous deliverance from a wrack at sea by the support of a dolphin, his severall desperate duels, his combate with Bahader Cham, a gyant of the race of Og, his loves, his deep imployments and happy successe in businesse of state : all which and more is but the tithe of his owne relation, which he continued untill he grew speechlesse, and died. 1
PR3541.L55 L43 1671 The legend of Captain Jones relating his adventure to sea, his first landing, and strange combat with a mighty bear : his furious battel with his six and thirty men, against the army of eleven kings, with their overthrow and deaths : his relieving of Kemper Castle : his strange and admirable sea-fight with six huge gallies of Spain, and nine thousand souldiers : his being taken prisoner, and hard usage : lastly, his being set at liberty by the Kings command, and return for England.
The legend of Captain Jones the first and second part : relating his adventure to sea, his first landing, and strange combat with a mighty bear : his furious battel with his six and thirty men against the army of eleven kings, with their overthrow and deaths : his relieving of Kemper Castle : his strange and admirable sea-fight with six huge gallies of Spain, and nine thousand souldiers : his being taken prisoner, and hard usage : lastly, his being set at liberty by the Kings command, and return for England : also, his other incredible adventures and atchievements by sea and land continued to his death.
The legend of Captain Jones the first and second part : relating his adventure to sea, his first landing, and strange combat with a mighty bear : his furious battel with his six and thirty men against the army of eleven kings, with their overthrow and deaths : his relieving of Kemper Castle : his strange and admirable sea-fight with six huge gallies of Spain, and nine thousand souldiers : his being taken prisoner, and hard usage : lastly, his being set at liberty by the Kings command, and return for England : also, his other incredible adventures and atchievements by sea and land continued to his death.
The legend of Captain Jones relating his adventure to sea, his first landing, and strange combat with a mighty bear : his furious battel with his six and thirty men, against the army of eleven kings, with their overthrow and deaths : his relieving of Kemper Castle : his strange and admirable sea-fight with six huge gallies of Spain, and nine thousand souldiers : his being taken prisoner, and hard usage : lastly, his being set at liberty by the Kings command, and return for England.
PR3541.L554 M4 1766a The Methodist : a poem / 1
PR3541 .L56 1762 Poems. 1
PR3541.L56 A74 1926 The actor : a poem / 1
PR3541.L58 M37 1661 The marrow of the muses express'd in that excellent facetious poem stiled Men-miracles : with other choice pieces / 2
PR3541.L58 M46 1646 Men-miracles with other poemes / 2