Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR3546 .P3 Marvell and the civic crown / 3
PR3546 .P33 2000 Marvell : the writer in public life / 1
PR3546 .P37 2000 Pastoral and lyric poems 1681 / 1
PR3546 .P38 2014 Marvell : the writer in public life / 1
PR3546 .P65 1990 The Political identity of Andrew Marvell / 1
PR3546 .P7 1966 Andrew Marvell. 1
PR3546 .R39 1998 An Andrew Marvell companion / 1
PR3546 .R44 1989 The judgment of Marvell / 1
PR3546 .S3 1929 Andrew Marvell / 1
PR3546.S4 (INTERNET) The second part of the Collection of poems on affairs of state ... 1
PR3546 .S65 2010 Andrew Marvell : the chameleon / 1
PR3546.S7 (INTERNET) Rosemary and Bayes, or, Animadversions upon a treatise called, The rehearsall trans-prosed in a letter to a friend in the countrey. 1
PR3546 .S76 1986 Apocalyptic Marvell : the Second Coming in seventeenth century poetry / 2
PR3546 .T4 Tercentenary essays in honor of Andrew Marvell / 2
PR3546 .T56 1674 Sober reflections, or, A solid confutation of Mr. Andrew Marvel's work in a letter ab Ignoto ad Ignotum. 2
PR3546 .T6 Marvell's ironic vision / 1
PR3546 .V66 2005 An Andrew Marvell chronology / 2
PR3546 .V66 2005eb An Andrew Marvell chronology 1
PR3546 .W3 Destiny his choice: the loyalism of Andrew Marvell,
Destiny his choice : the loyalism of Andrew Marvell /
PR3546 .W4 1996 Andrew Marvell revisited / 2