Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR3551 .V5 Complete poetry & selected prose : with English metrical translations of the Latin, Greek and Italian poems / 1
PR3551 .V5 1938a Complete poetry & selected prose : with English metrical translations of the Latin, Greek and Italian poems / 1
PR3551 .W7 1980 The complete poems / 1
PR3552 1673 Poems, &c. upon several occasions both English and Latin, &c. / 1
PR3552 1758 Paradise lost : a poem in twelve books ; Paradise regain'd : a poem in four books : to which is added Samson Agonistes and Poems upon several occasions / 1
PR3552 1996b Milton : poems. 1
PR3552 .A1 1645 Poems of Mr. John Milton : both English and Latin, compos'd at several times. Printed by his true copies. The songs were set in musick by Mr. Henry Lawes Gentleman of the Kings Chappel, and one of His Maiesties private musick. Printed and publish'd according to order. 1
PR3552 .A1 1645a English poems : [and] Comus, 1645. 1
PR3552 .A1 1933 The Cambridge manuscript of John Milton : Lycidas and some of the other poems reproduced from the collotype facsimile / 1
PR3552.A1 1996b Milton : poems. 1
PR3552 .A4 Milton's Comus, Lycidas, and other poems : and Matthew Arnold's Address on Milton / 1
PR3552 .B76 Samson Agonistes, sonnets, &c. / 1
PR3552 .B85 Dramatic poems / 1
PR3552 .B88 The portable Milton / 1
PR3552 .B88 1949a The essential Milton / 1
PR3552 .C35 1997 Complete shorter poems / 1
PR3552 .C7 An introduction to the prose and poetical works of John Milton : comprising all the autobiographic passages in his works, the more explicit presentations of his ideas of true liberty; Comus, Lycidas, and Samson Agonistes / 1
PR3552 .D3 Poetical works / 1
PR3552 .E33 1969a Paradise lost, Paradise regained and Samson Agonistes / 1
PR3552 .G65 1997 Selected poetry / 1