Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR3592.R65 H35 2005 Milton's Cambridge Latin : performing in the genres, 1625-1632 / 2
PR3592.S3 Milton and the new scientific age : poetry, science, fiction / 1
PR3592.S3 B3 The moral cosmos of Paradise lost. --
The moral cosmos of Paradise lost.
PR3592.S3 D36 2014 Paradise Lost and the Cosmological Revolution. 1
PR3592.S3 D87 2007 The age of Milton and the scientific revolution / 1
PR3592.S3 M375 1992 Contemplation of created things : science in Paradise lost / 1
PR3592.S3 S8 Milton and science. 1
PR3592.S36 F54 2016 Milton's secrecy and philosophical hermeneutics / 1
PR3592.S38 F35 2006  
PR3592.S38 F35 2007 Milton's peculiar grace : self-representation and authority / 1
PR3592.S4 F5 1926 Milton's Semitic studies and some manifestations of them in his poetry / 1
PR3592.S4 F5 1966 Milton's Semitic studies and some manifestations of them in his poetry. 1
PR3592.S58 K55 2021 Milton's poetical thought / 1
PR3592.S92 C73 2011 Raising Milton's ghost : John Milton and the sublime of terror in the early Romantic Period / 1
PR3592.T5 T3 Milton's poetry : its development in time / 2
PR3592.V56 L54 1994 Milton and the culture of violence / 1
PR3592.W6 D53 2000 A study of the place of women in the poetry and prose works of John Milton / 1
PR3592.W6 M55 1988 Milton and the idea of woman / 2
PR3593 .E9 Milton's elisions / 1
PR3593 .L4 Yet once more : verbal and psychological pattern in Milton / 1