Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR3618.P56 I8 1688 Iter australe. Curatus quidam lassatus itineribus ad urbem Sarum, fugendi officii causa, crebro repetitis, de labore nimio, mercede autem vilissima, conqueritur. 1
PR3618.P9 E43 1646 An elegie offer'd up to the memory of His Excellencie Robert Earle of Essex and Ewe, Viscount Hereford, Lord Ferrers of Chartley, Bourchier and Lovaine, late generall of the Parliaments forces 2
PR3618.P9 (INTERNET) An elegie offer'd up to the memory of His Excellencie Robert Earle of Essex and Ewe, Viscount Hereford, Lord Ferrers of Chartley, Bourchier and Lovaine, late generall of the Parliaments forces 1
PR3618.P9 P63 1646 Poems 2
PR3619 Poems, 1664 Women Writers Project first electronic edition / 1
PR3619 .A83 1942 Thraliana : the diary of Mrs. Hester Lynch Thrale (later Mrs. Piozzi) 1776-1809 / 1
PR3619 .P15 1950 Poems (1646) / 1
PR3619.P2 A17 1937 The poems of Ambrose Philips / 1
PR3619.P2 A19 1725 Three tragedies ... / 1
PR3619.P2 H8 1723a Humfrey, Duke of Gloucester : 1723. 1
PR3619.P24 F46 1682 Female poems on several occasions 2
PR3619 .P3 1708 Cyder : a poem : in two books ; with The splendid shilling. Paradise lost, and two songs, &c. 1
PR3619 .P3 1927 The poems of John Philips / 1
PR3619.P3 A17 1799x The poetical works of John Philips : with the life of the author. 1
PR3619.P3 A65 1791 Cider : a poem in two books / 1
PR3619.P3 (INTERNET) A pleasant conference upon the Observator and Heraclitus together with a brief relation of the present posture of the French affairs.
Maronides, or, Virgil travestie being a new paraphrase upon the fifth book of Virgils Æneids in burlesque verse /
An humble offering to the sacred memory of the late most serene and potent monarch Charles II
PR3619.P3 J62 1670 Jockey's farewel to Jenny, or, The Scottish loath to depart ... to an excellent new tune, or General Monk sail'd through the gun-fleet / 1
PR3619.P3 M37 1672 Maronides, or, Virgil travestie being a new paraphrase upon the fifth book of Virgils Æneids in burlesque verse / 2
PR3619.P3 M37 1678 Maronides, or, Virgil travesty being a new paraphrase in burlesque verse, upon the fifth and sixth book of Virgil's Æneids / 2
PR3619.P31 (INTERNET) A poem on the coronation of King James II and his royl [sic] consort Queen Mary 1