Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR3619.P434 S38 1655 A satyr against hypocrites 2
PR3619.P434 S38 1661 The religion of the hypocritical presbyterians, in meeter
A satyr against hypocrites
PR3619.P434 S38 1674 A satyr against hypocrites 2
PR3619.P434 S38 1677 A satyr against hypocrites 2
PR3619.P435 (INTERNET) Caroli tou makaritou paliggenesia
The life and death of Sir Phillip Sidney, late lord gouernour of Flushing his funerals solemnized in Paules Churche where he lyeth interred; with the whole order of the mournfull shewe, as they marched thorowe the citie of London, on Thursday the 16 of February. 1587.
PR3619 .P44 1685 A poem on the coronation of His Most Sacred Majesty, James the Second by the grace of God of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. and of his royal consort, our gracious Queen Mary / 2
PR3619.P44 P56 1692 A Pindarique ode by way of panegyrick, upon the glorious conquests of magnanimous K. William in the campagne of 92. Presented to him at his return. 1
PR3619.P442 A6 1996 The poetry of Laetitia Pilkington (1712-1750) and Constantia Grierson (1706-1733) / 1
PR3619.P442 Z468 1997 Memoirs of Laetitia Pilkington / 3
PR3619 .P48 1683 Themista & Euphorbus in a familiar dialogue, plainly discovering and passionately bemoaning the exorbitances of the world in the administration of justice : composed at first for a private diversion, and now presented to the worthy maioralty within the famous and antient borrough of Tavistock, Devon, newly incorporated by His Maiesties special favour and with the assistance of the honourable Sr. James Butler, Kt. / 1
PR3619.P5 A8 1861 Autobiography, letters and literary remains of Mrs. Piozzi (Thrale) / 1
PR3619.P5 A8 1914 The intimate letters of Hester Piozzi and Penelope Pennington, 1788-1821 / 1
PR3619.P5 A827 1977 The Thrales of Streatham Park / 1
PR3619.P5 C5 Hester Lynch Piozzi (Mrs. Thrale) / 1
PR3619.P5 (INTERNET) A prophylactick from disloyalty in these perilous times in a letter to the Right Honourable, and Right Reverend Father in God, Herbert, by Divine Providence Lord Bishop of Hereford : to which (at some distance) will be added a short discourse upon the anchor of the soul of the said Lord Bishop. 1
PR3619.P5 M34 1985 Hester Thrale Piozzi, portrait of a literary woman / 1
PR3619.P5 M4 Piozzi marginalia : comprising some extracts from manuscripts of Hester Lynch Piozzi and annotations from her books / 1
PR3619.P5 M45 The true story of the so-called love letters of Mrs. Piozzi : "in defence of an elderly lady" / 1
PR3619.P5 .M477 1927eb The true story of the so-called love letters of Mrs. Piozzi : "in defence of an elderly lady" / 1
PR3619.P5 Z46 2013eb Autobiography, letters and literary remains of Mrs. Piozzi (Thrale) : with notes and an introductory account of her life and writings. 1