Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR3619.P31 P63 1672 Phaenix Britannicus, or, London re-built in a panegyrick poem on that ancient metropolis, now Englands glory, and the vvorlds wonder / 1
PR3619.P31 P63 1685 A poem on the coronation of King James II and his royl [sic] consort Queen Mary 2
PR3619.P4 Katherine Philips (1631/2--1664): Printed Poems 1667: Printed Writings 1641--1700: Series II, Part Three, Volume 2.
Poems by the most deservedly admired Mrs. Katherine Philips, the matchless Orinda, to which is added Monsieur Corneille's Pompey and Horace, tragedies, 1667 Women Writers Project first electronic edition /
Letters, 1697 Women Writers Project first electronic edition /
PR3619 .P4 1669 Poems by the most deservedly admired Mrs. Katherine Philips, the matchless Orinda. : To which is added Monsieur Corneille's Pompey & Horace, tragedies / 1
PR3619.P4 A17 (INTERNET) Poems 1
PR3619.P4 A6 1905 Selected poems / 1
PR3619.P4 A6 2007 Katherine Philips (1631/2-1664) printed publications 1651-1664 /
Katherine Philips (1631/2-1664) : printed publications 1651-1664 /
PR3619.P4 P637 2007 Katherine Philips (1631/2-1664) : printed poems 1667 / 1
PR3619.P4 S6 The matchless Orinda / 1
PR3619.P4 Z48 2005 Katherine Philips (1631/2-1664) : printed letters 1697-1729 / 1
PR3619.P4Z5 Upon the death of Mrs. Catherine Phillips 1
PR3619.P4 Z85 2015 The noble flame of Katherine Philips : a poetics of culture, politics, and friendship / 1
PR3619.P42 (INTERNET) The revengeful queen a tragedy : as it was acted at the Theatre-Royal by His Majesty's servants /
St. Stephens-Green, or, The generous lovers a comedy, as it is acted at The Theatre-Royal, in Dublin /
PR3619.P42 S2 1980 St. Stephen's Green, or, The generous lovers / 1
PR3619.P43 (INTERNET) The mysteries of love & eloquence, or, The arts of wooing and complementing as they are manag'd in the Spring Garden, Hide Park, the New Exchange, and other eminent places : a work in which is drawn to the life the deportments of the most accomplisht persons, the mode of their courtly entertainments, treatments of their ladies at balls, their accustom'd sports, drolls and fancies, the witchcrafts of their perswasive language in their approaches, or other more secret dispatches.
Theatrum poetarum, or, A compleat collection of the poets especially the most eminent, of all ages, the antients distinguish't from the moderns in their several alphabets : with some observations and reflections upon many of them, particularly those of our own nation : together with a prefatory discourse of the poets and poetry in generall /
Festum voluptatis, or, The banquet of pleasure furnished with much variety of speculations, wittie, pleasant, and delightfull. Containing divers choyce love-posies, songs, sonnets, odes, madrigals, satyrs, epigrams, epitaphs and elegies. For varietie and pleasure the like never before published. /
PR3619.P43 M8 1972 The mysteries of love and eloquence, 1658 / 1
PR3619.P43 M97 1685 The mysteries of love & eloquence, or, The arts of wooing and complementing as they are manag'd in the Spring Garden, Hide Park, the New Exchange, and other eminent places : a work in which is drawn to the life the deportments of the most accomplisht persons, the mode of their courtly entertainments, treatments of their ladies at balls, their accustom'd sports, drolls and fancies, the witchcrafts of their perswasive language in their aproaches, or other more secret dispatches.
The mysteries of love & eloquence, or, The arts of wooing and complementing as they are manag'd in the Spring Garden, Hide Park, the New Exchange, and other eminent places : a work in which is drawn to the life the deportments of the most accomplisht persons, the mode of their courtly entertainments, treatments of their ladies at balls, their accustom'd sports, drolls and fancies, the witchcrafts of their perswasive language in their approaches, or other more secret dispatches ..
PR3619.P433 (INTERNET) In memory of Our Late Most Gracious Lady, Mary, Queen of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland a poem / 1
PR3619.P434 A7 1655a A satyr against hypocrites (1655) / 1
PR3619.P434 (INTERNET) The religion of the hypocritical presbyterians, in meeter 1