Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR365 .M3 Wisdom and number : toward a critical appraisal of the Middle English religious lyric. 1
PR365 .P3 1911 The middle English penitential lyric : a study and collection of early religious verse / 1
PR365 .P3 1966 The Middle English penitential lyric : a study and collection of early English verse. 1
PR365 .R6 1972 Image and abstraction. : Six Middle English religious lyrics. 1
PR365 .W38 Theology and poetry in the Middle English lyric : a study of sacred history and aesthetic form. 1
PR365 .W4 1933a The macaronic hymn tradition in medieval English literature / 1
PR365 .W45 Verses in sermons : Fasciculus morum and its Middle English poems /
Verses in sermons Fasciculus morum and its Middle English poems /
PR366 .A8 Prose literature for secondary schools : with some suggestions for correlation with composition / 1
PR366 .F3 Les romans de Richardson sur la scène française / 1
PR401 Peculiar language : literature as difference from the Renaissance to James Joyce /
The Oxford English literary history.
The renewal of literature : Emersonian reflections /
Early modern improvisations : essays on history and literature in honor of John Watkins /
PR401 .A88 1988 Peculiar language : literature as difference from the Renaissance to James Joyce / 1
PR401 .B3 English verse: voice and movement from Wyatt to Yeats / 1
PR401 .B7 Nietzsche in Anglosaxony: a study of Nietzsche's impact on English and American literature. -
Nietzsche in Anglosaxony : a study of Nietzsche's impact on English and American literature.
PR401 .C383 1970eb Romance and realism : a study in English bourgeois literature / 1
PR401 .C454 Pod listnatým stromem : essaye / 1
PR401 .C6 The liberal movement in English literature / 1
PR401 .E9 The Explicator cyclopedia / 1
PR401 .F58 2001 Names, titles, and characters by literary writers--Shakespeare, 19th and 20th century authors / 1
PR401 .F8 Epochen der neueren englischen Literatur : eine Überschau von der Renaissance bis zum Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts / 1
PR401 .J4 1910 Jeffrey's literary criticism / 1