Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR3652 .E42 1635 Emblemes 1
PR3652.E5 (INTERNET) Enchiridion Containing institutions, divine contemplative. Practicall. Moral ethicall. Oeconomicall. Politicall. / 1
PR3652 .E52 1646 Enchiridion containing institutions divine [brace] contemplative, practicall : moral [brace] ethical, oeconomicall, politicall / 1
PR3652 .E52 1660 Emblemes 3
PR3652 .E52 1664 Enchiridion containing institutions divine--contemplative, practical, ethical : moral--oeconomical, political / 2
PR3652 .E52 1669 Emblemes 2
PR3652 .E52 1680 Enchiridion miscellaneum spare houres improv'd in meditations : divine [brace] contemplative, practical : moral [brace] ethical, oeconomical, political : from the pietie & learning of [brace] Fr. Quarles and Ar Warwick ..
Enchiridion miscellaneum spare houres improv'd in meditations : divine [brace] contemplative, practical : moral [brace] ethical, oeconomical, political : from the pietie & learning of [brace] Fr. Quarles and Ar Warwick.
Enchiridion containing institutions divine [brace] contemplative, practical : moral [brace] ethical, oeconomical, political /
PR3652 .E52 1683 Emblemes 2
PR3652 .E52 1696 Emblems 2
PR3652 .E53 1640 Enchyridion containing institutions. [brace] Divine. Morall. [brace] Contemplative. Practicall. [brace] Ethical. Oeconomical. Political. / 1
PR3652 .E53 1670 Enchiridion containing institutions divine, contemplative, practical, moral, oeconomical, political / 2
PR3652 .E53 1680 Enchiridion containing institutions : divine [brace] contemplative, practi[c]al, ethical : moral [brace] oeconomical, political / 2
PR3652 .E53 1681 Enchiridion containing institutions divine--contemplative, practical, moral--ethical, oeconomical, political /
Enchiridion Containing institutions divine contemplative, practical. and moral ethical, oeconomical, political. /
PR3652 .E53 1682 Enchiridion. Containing institutions divine. contemplative. practical. and moral. ethical. oeconomical. political. / 1
PR3652 .H6 Hosanna, or, Divine poems on the passion of Christ, and, Threnodes / 1
PR3652 .H6 1960 Hosanna, or, Divine poems on the passion of Christ, and, Threnodes / 1
PR3652.H67 (INTERNET) Hosanna, or, Divine poems on the passion of Christ 1
PR3652 (INTERNET) Diuine fancies digested into epigrammes, meditations, and observations /
Diuine poems containing the history of [brace] Ionah, Ester, Iob, Sampson : Sions [brace] sonets, elegies /
PR3652 .L69 The loyall convert (according to the Oxford copy) a convert will be loyall, or, Some short annotations on this book /
The loyall convert, (according to the Oxford copy.) A convert will be loyall: or, Some short annotations on this book; /
PR3652 .L69 1645 The loyall convert with the nevv distemper / 2