Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR3666 .A5 1804 The correspondence of Samuel Richardson : author of Pamela, Clarissa, and Sir Charles Grandison, selected from the original manuscripts, bequeathed by him to his family, to which are prefixed, a biographical account of that author, and observations on his writings / 1
PR3666 .D6 1902 Samuel Richardson / 1
PR3666 .D6 1968b Samuel Richardson / 1
PR3666 .D65 1931 Samuel Richardson, 1689-1761 : imprimeur de Londres / 1
PR3666 .E2 Samuel Richardson: a biography,
Samuel Richardson : a biography /
PR3666 .K4 Samuel Richardson,
Samuel Richardson /
PR3666 .T5 1900 Samuel Richardson. 1
PR3667 Making Gender, Culture, and the Self in the Fiction of Samuel Richardson : the Novel Individual.
Women, Gender, and Print Culture in Eighteenth-Century Britain : Essays in Memory of Betty Rizzo.
Samuel Richardson : a Man of Letters.
Samuel Richardson & the dramatic novel /
PR3667 .A67 2006 Approaches to teaching the novels of Samuel Richardson / 1
PR3667 .B3 Samuel Richardson's theory of fiction / 1
PR3667 .B68 1987 Samuel Richardson / 1
PR3667 .B7 Samuel Richardson; the triumph of craft. -
Samuel Richardson : the triumph of craft.
PR3667 .B7 1965 Samuel Richardson / 1
PR3667 .B7 1974 Samuel Richardson : the triumph of craft. 1
PR3667 .B8 Time and space in the novels of Samuel Richardson. 1
PR3667 .C3 Samuel Richardson; a collection of critical essays.
Samuel Richardson : a collection of critical essays /
PR3667 .C48 1998 Samuel Richardson's new nation : paragons of the domestic sphere and "native" virtue / 1
PR3667 .C6 Literary references and their effect upon characterization in the novels of Samuel Richardson. 1
PR3667 .C6 1970a Literary references and their effect upon characterization in the novels of Samuel Richardson. 1
PR3667 .C7 Critical remarks on Sir Charles Grandison, Clarissa and Pamela. Enquiring, whether they have a tendency to corrupt or improve the public taste and morals. In a letter to the author. By a lover of virtue. 1