Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
PR3729.T115 C66 1698 | A consolatory poem to the Right Honourable John Lord Cutts upon the death of his most accomplish'd lady | 2 |
PR3729.T115 C82 | Cuckolds-Haven, or, An alderman no conjurer a farce acted at the Queen's Theatre in Dorset Garden / | 2 |
PR3729.T115 E5 1695 | An elegy on his Grace John, late Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury | 1 |
PR3729.T115 F86 1700 | Funeral poems on I. Her late Majesty of blessed memory, II. Late Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, III. Illustrious Duke of Ormond and Earl of Ossory, IV. Countess of Dorset, V. Consolatory poem, &c. : together with A poem on the promotion of several eminent persons, &c. / | 2 |
PR3729.T115 I3436 1987 | Nahum Tate and the Coriolanus tradition in English drama with a critical edition of Tate's The ingratitude of a common-wealth / | 1 |
PR3729.T115 (INTERNET) |
Mausolæum, a funeral poem on our late gracious sovereign Queen Mary of blessed memory An essay of a character of the right honourable Sir George Treby, Kt Lord Chief Justice of His Majesty's Court of Common-pleas / Cuckolds-Haven, or, An alderman no conjurer a farce acted at the Queen's Theatre in Dorset Garden / The ingratitude of a common-wealth, or, The fall of Laius Martius Coriolanus as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal / The anniversary ode for the fourth of December, 1697 His Majesty's birth-day another for New-Year's-Day, 1697/8 : both set to musick and perform'd at Kensington / A consolatory poem to the Right Honourable John, Lord Cutts, upon the death of his most accomplish'd lady A pastoral dialogue a poem. The prolouge to King William and Queen Mary at a play acted before Their Majesties at Whitehall on Friday the 15th of November, 1689 / The island-princess as it is acted at the theatre royal / Panacea, a poem upon tea in two canto's / A duke and no duke as it is acted by Their Majesties servants : to which is now added, a preface concerning farce : with an account of the personæ and larvæ, &c. of the ancient theatre / The history of King Richard the Second acted at the Theatre Royal under the name of The Sicilian usurper : with a prefatory epistle in vindication of the author, occasion'd by the prohibition of this play on the stage / The loyal general a tragedy : acted at the Duke's Theatre / Miscellanea sacra, or, Poems on divine and moral subjects Poems The history of King Lear acted at the Duke's theatre / An ode upon His Majesty's birth-day A song for St. Cæcilia's Day 1685 Brutus of Alba, or, The enchanted lovers a tragedy acted at the Duke's Theatre / On the sacred memory of our late sovereign, with a congratulation to His Present Majesty A poem on the late promotion of several eminent persons in church and state In memory of Joseph Washington, Esq., late of the Middle Temple an elegy / An elegy on the Most Reverend Father in God, His Grace, John, late Lord Archbishop of Canterbury The Sicilian usurper a tragedy as it was acted at the Theatre-Royal : with prefatory epistle in vindication of the author, occasioned by this play on the stage / An elegy in memory of the much esteemed and truly worthy Ralph Marshall, Esq., one of His Majesty's Justices of peace, etc |
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PR3729.T115 O33 1693 | An ode upon His Majesty's birth-day, | 1 |
PR3729.T115 O33 1694 | An ode upon His Majesty's birth-day | 2 |
PR3729.T115 O58 1685 | On the sacred memory of our late sovereign with a congratulation to His Present Majesty / | 2 |
PR3729.T115 P37 1688 | A pastoral in memory of His Grace the illustrious Duke of Ormond, deceased July the 21st. 1688 | 1 |
PR3729.T115 P37 1690 | A pastoral dialogue a poem. | 2 |
PR3729.T115 P63 1691 | A poem occasioned by the late discontents & disturbances in the state with reflections upon the rise and progress of priest-craft / | 2 |
PR3729.T115 P73 1693 | A present for the ladies being an historical account of several illustrious persons of the female sex : to which is added The character of an accomplish'd virgin, wife, and widow, in verse / | 2 |
PR3729.T115 S4 1682 | The second part of Absalom and Achitophel. A poem: | 1 |
PR3729.T115 S52 1691 | The Sicilian usurper a tragedy as it was acted at the Theatre-Royal : with prefatory epistle in vindication of the author, occasioned by this play on the stage / | 2 |
PR3729.T115 Z85 | Nahum Tate. | 1 |
PR3729 .T12 1879 | The dramatic works of John Tatham / | 1 |
PR3729 .T12 1967 | The dramatic works of John Tatham : with introductions and notes. | 1 |
PR3729 .T12 1967a | The dramatic works of John Tatham : with introductions and notes. | 1 |
PR3729.T12 (INTERNET) |
The fancies theater· Knavery in all trades, or, The coffee-house a comedy : as it was acted in the Christmas holidays by several apprentices with great applause. The royal oake with other various and delightfull scenes presented on the water and the land / The Scots figgaries, or, A knot of knaves a comedy. Ostella, or, The faction of love and beauty reconcil'd The rump, or, The mirrour of the late times a new comedy / |
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