Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR3757.W2 Z73 1961 Horace Walpole. 1
PR3757.W2 Z85 Horace Walpole / 1
PR3757.W2 Z9 Horace Walpole as a poet / 1
PR3757.W4 (INTERNET) Letters and poems, amorous and gallant
A funeral elegy upon the death of the Queen addrest to the Marquess of Normanby /
PR3757 .W6 1901 The complete angler, the lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert and Sanderson. 1
PR3757.W6 C633 The art of The compleat angler / 1
PR3757.W6 Z635 1993 Twenty ballads stuck about the wall : a dramatic biography of Izaak Walton / 1
PR3757.W6 Z88 1998 Izaak Walton / 1
PR3757.W7 R94 1984 William Warburton / 2
PR3757.W8 The grand mistake, or, All men happy if they please shewing, I. How beggars may be as happy as kings. II. The sick as easie as the sound. III. The barren woman as contented as the fruitful / 1
PR3757.W8 A8 The auction, or, The poet turn'd painter. 1
PR3757.W8 D4 1720 The delights of the bottle, or, The compleat vintner ... : a merry poem ... / 1
PR3757.W8 H44 1700 Helter skelter, or, The Devil upon two sticks in a comical dialogue between high church and low church, relating to the times / 2
PR3757.W8 H83 1699 A hue and cry after a man-midwife who has lately deliver'd the land-bank of their money. 2
PR3757.W8 I57 1699 The insinuating bawd and the repenting harlot 2
PR3757.W8 (INTERNET) Ecclesia & Factio a dialogue between Bow-Steeple Dragon and the Exchange Grasshopper.
Modern religion and ancient loyalty a dialogue.
A dialogue between claret & darby-ale a poem, considered in an accidental conversation between two gentlemen.
The rambling rakes, or, London libertines
A step to the Bath with a character of the place.
The wealthy shop-keeper, or, The charitable citizen a poem.
A hue and cry after a man-midwife who has lately deliver'd the land-bank of their money.
Sot's paradise, or, The humours of a Derby-ale-house with a satyr upon the ale.
The school of politicks, or, The humours of a coffee-house a poem.
The miracles perform'd by money a poem /
The dancing-school with the adventures of the Easter holy-days.
The paradice of pleasure, or, An encomium upon Darby-ale in answer to a scurrilous lampoon call'd Scott's paradice, or, A satyr against Darby-ale.
O raree-show, O pretty show, or, The city feast
The poet's ramble after riches, or, A nights transactions upon the road burlesqu'd, with reflections on a dissenting corporation : together with the authors lamentation, in the time of adversity.
Labour in vain, or, What signifies little or nothing viz. I. The poor man's petitioning at court. II. Expectation of benefit from a covetous man in his life-time. III. The marriage of an old man to a young woman. IV. Endeavours to regulate mens manners by preaching or writing. V. Being a Jacobite. VI. Confining an insolvent debtor. VII. Promise of secrecy in a conspiracy. VIII. An enquiry after a place.
The metamorphos'd beau, or, The intrigues of Ludgate
The world bewitch'd a dialogue between two astrologers and the author : with infallible predictions of what will happen in this present year, 1699, from the vices and villanies practis'd in court, city and country.
A frolick to Horn-fair with a walk from Cuckold's-point thro' Deptford and Greenwich.
Step to Stir-Bitch-Fair with remarks upon the University of Cambridge.
PR3757.W8 P37 1700 The paradice of pleasure, or, An encomium upon Darby-ale in answer to a scurrilous lampoon call'd Scott's paradice, or, A satyr against Darby-ale. 2
PR3757.W8 P4 The picture of a coffee-house, or, The humour of the stock-jobbers 1
PR3757.W8 R37 1698 O raree-show, O pretty show, or, The city feast 1
PR3757.W8 S3 A Satyr against satyrs, or, An Answer to a late pamphlet intituled, The picture of a coffee-house
The school of politicks: or, the humours of a coffee-house. : A poem.