Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR3774 .P62 1700 The plain-dealer a comedy as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal / 2
PR3776 .C6 Brawny Wycherley, first master in English modern comedy / 1
PR3776 .M3 1979 William Wycherley : a biography / 2
PR3776 .V4 William Wycherley / 1
PR3776 .V47 William Wycherley / 1
PR3776 .Z5 Wycherley's drama : a link in the development of English satire / 1
PR3777 .C5 The four plays of William Wycherley : a study in the development of a dramatist / 1
PR3777.C5 The four plays of William Wycherley : a study in the development of a dramatist. 1
PR3777 (INTERNET) Epistles to the King and Duke 1
PR3777 .M37 1993 A great stage of fools : theatricality and madness in the plays of William Wycherley / 1
PR3777 .R6 William Wycherley / 1
PR3777 .V36 2000 William Wycherley and the comedy of fear / 1
PR3778.L33 T48 1984 Language in Wycherley's plays : seventeenth-century language theory and drama / 2
PR3778.W8 C47 1647 Certaine serious thoughts which at severall times & upon sundry occasions have stollen themselves into verse and now into the publike view 2
PR3778.W8 (INTERNET) Certaine serious thoughts which at severall times & upon sundry occasions have stollen themselves into verse and now into the publike view 1
PR3779 The collected works of Ann Yearsley.
The collected works of Ann Yearsley /
PR3779.Y3 (INTERNET) The temple of fame a poem, to the memory of the most illustrious Prince William Duke of Glocester /
On the conquest of Namur a pindarique ode humbly inscrib'd to His Most Sacred and Victorious Majesty /
PR3779 .Y4 1787 Poems on various subjects / 1
PR3779.Y4 A17 Poems, on several occasions / 1
PR3779.Y4 P64 1994 Poems on various subjects, 1787 / 1