Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR3780 .A2 1741 The poetical works of the Reverend Edward Young. 1
PR3780 .A2 1834 The poetical works of Edward Young. 1
PR3780 .A2 1845a The poetical works of Edward Young. 1
PR3780 .A2 1854 The complete works, poetry and prose, of the Rev. Edward Young. 1
PR3780 .A2 1859 The poetical works of Edward Young ... 1
PR3782 .B7 1719 Busiris, king of Egypt a tragedy / 1
PR3782 .B7 1753 The brothers. : A tragedy. Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. 1
PR3782 .B715 1756 Agamemnon : ein Trauerspiel in fünf Aufzügen /
Die Brüder : ein Trauerspiel /
PR3782 .C4 1755b The centaur not fabulous. : in six letters to a friend, on the life in vogue. 1
PR3782 .C5 1918 Edward Young's Conjectures on original composition. 1
PR3782 .C7 1759a Conjectures on original composition. 1
PR3782 .C7 1917 Edward Young's "Conjectures on original composition" in England and Germany / 1
PR3782 .F6 1714 The force of religion; or, Vanquish'd love : a poem : in two books / 1
PR3782 .L3 1794 The last day. : A poem; in three books. 1
PR3782 .L6 1728 Love of fame, the universal passion. : In seven characteristical satires. 1
PR3782 .M47 1730b The merchant, a naval lyrick : written in imitation of Pindar's spirit : on the British trade, and navigation / 1
PR3782 .N5 1742b The complaint, or, Night-thoughts on life, death & immortality. 1
PR3782 .N5 1743 The complaint, or, Night-thoughts on life, death & immortality. 1
PR3782 .N5 1747a The complaint: or, Night-thoughts on life, death, & immortality. 1
PR3782 .N5 1749 The complaint, or, Night-thoughts on life, death, & immortality. 1