Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR4020.A5 T7 The portable Matthew Arnold / 1
PR4021 Poetry and prose / 1
PR4021 1880 Passages from the prose writings of Matthew Arnold. 1
PR4021 .A46 1978 Selected poems and prose / 2
PR4021 .A46 1986 Matthew Arnold / 1
PR4021 .A46 1995 Matthew Arnold / 1
PR4021 .A5 Selected essays / 1
PR4021 .A85 The scholar gipsy, Thyrsis, Rugby chapel. 1
PR4021 .B7 1954 Poetry and prose / 1
PR4021 .B8 Passages from the prose writings of Matthew Arnold / 1
PR4021 .C5 Poetry & prose : with William Watson's poem and essays / 1
PR4021 .D9 Matthew Arnold / 1
PR4021 .F5 1953 Five uncollected essays / 1
PR4021 .G3 Selections from the prose writings of Matthew Arnold / 1
PR4021 .J6 Selections from the prose works of Matthew Arnold / 1
PR4021 .K4 Selected prose.
Selected prose /
PR4021 .M3 1878 Selected poems of Matthew Arnold. 1
PR4021 .M3 1893 Selected poems of Matthew Arnold. 1
PR4021 .N4 Essays, letters, and reviews / 1
PR4021 .O94 The Oxford poems of Matthew Arnold : (ʻThe scholar gipsy' and ʻThyrsis'), illustrated ; to which are added The Hinkseys near Oxford, with the story of Ruskin's Road makers, and Rambles with Matthew Arnold, with guides to the country the poems illustrate : portrait, ordnance map, and 76 photographs / 1