Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR423 .M3 Studies in English Renaissance literature. 1
PR423 .O84 1999 Other voices, other views : expanding the canon in English Renaissance studies / 1
PR423 .P66 1989 The portrayal of life stages in English literature, 1500-1800 : infancy, youth, marriage, aging, death, martyrdom : essays in memory of Warren Wooden / 1
PR423 .P68 1982 The Power of forms in the English Renaissance / 1
PR423 .R43 2013 Recovering disability in early modern England / 2
PR423 .R44 1998 Renaissance configurations : voices/bodies/spaces, 1580-1690 / 1
PR423 .R45 1995 Renaissance essays for Kitty Scoular Datta / 1
PR423 .R46 1987 Renaissance historicism : selections from English literary renaissance / 2
PR423 .S425 2004 A search for meaning : critical essays on early modern literature / 1
PR423 .S49 2012 Shakespeare up close : reading early modern texts / 1
PR423 .S68 1997 Soundings of things done : essays in early modern literature in honor of S.K. Heninger, Jr. / 1
PR423 .S69 2019 Spenser and Donne : thinking poets / 1
PR423 .S79 2005 Style : essays on Renaissance and Restoration literature and culture in memory of Harriet Hawkins / 1
PR423 .T3 1933 Shaksperian scraps, and other Elizabethan fragments / 1
PR423 .T7 1990 Traditions and innovations : essays on British literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance / 1
PR424 .E5 1980 English Renaissance studies presented to Dame Helen Gardner in honour of her seventieth birthday / 2
PR424 .K3538 2012 Authorship and first-person allegory in late medieval France and England / 1
PR424 .M8 Introduction to Elizabethan literature. 1
PR424 .P75 2005 Printing and parenting in early modern England / 1
PR424 .P75 2016