Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR438.F36 N4 2007 Literature and the politics of the family in seventeenth-century England / 1
PR438.F5 M5 Seventeenth-century imagery : essays on uses of figurative language from Donne to Farquhar / 1
PR438.F57 W75 2018 The poetics of angling in early modern England / 1
PR438.H43 E75 1997 The language of the heart, 1600-1750 / 1
PR438.H63 H66 2015 Home and Nation in British Literature from the English to the French Revolutions /
Home and nation in British literature from the English to the French revolutions /
PR438.I36 H39 2001 Idols of the marketplace : idolatry and commodity fetishism in English literature, 1580-1680 / 1
PR438.I67 P53 2010 Labors of innocence in early modern England / 1
PR438.I67 P53 2010eb Labors of Innocence in Early Modern England / 1
PR438.J83 H33 2019 National reckonings : the Last Judgment and literature in Milton's England / 1
PR438.J83 H33 2019eb National reckonings : the Last Judgment and literature in Milton's England / 1
PR438.L38 V57 2008 Lines of equity : literature and the origins of law in later Stuart England / 3
PR438.L38 V57 2008eb Lines of equity : literature and the origins of law in later Stuart England / 2
PR438.L5 H544 1996 Liberty against the law : some seventeenth-century controversies / 1
PR438.M37 S66 2022 Love against substitution : seventeenth-century English literature and the meaning of marriage / 1
PR438.M43 A57 1995 The realms of Apollo : literature and healing in seventeenth-century England / 1
PR438.M43 H43 2001 Fictions of disease in early modern England : bodies, plagues and politics / 1
PR438.M43 P47 2010 Popular medicine, hysterical disease, and social controversy in Shakespeare's England / 1
PR438.M43 P48 2016 Popular medicine, hysterical disease, and social controversy in Shakespeare's England 1
PR438.M44 W43 2008 Memory, print, and gender in England, 1653-1759 / 1
PR438.M56 Miniature and the English imagination : literature, cognition, and small-scale culture 1650-1765 / 1