Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR4382 .S9 1939 "To Lord Byron" : feminine profiles based upon unpublished letters, 1807-1824 / 1
PR4382 .T8 The True story of Lord & Lady Byron as told by Lord Macaulay, Thomas Moore, Leigh Hunt, Thomas Campbell, the Countess of Blessington, Lord Lindsay, the Countess Guiccioli / 1
PR4382 .T85 Byron's daughter : a biography of Elizabeth Medora Leigh. 1
PR4382 .T85 1972 Byron's daughter : a biography of Elizabeth Medora Leigh. 1
PR4383 The riseand fall of a Regency dandy : the life and times of Scrope Berdmore Davies /
Lord Byron and Madame de Stael : born for opposition /
Byron, Napoleon, J.C. Hobhouse and the hundred days /
PR4383 .B78 1981b The rise and fall of a Regency dandy : the life and times of Scrope Berdmore Davies / 1
PR4383 .B8 Byron and Shelley : a friendship renewed. 1
PR4383 .B83 Byron and Shelley : the history of a friendship. 1
PR4383 .B83 1968b Byron and Shelley; the history of a friendship. 1
PR4383 .C545 2010 Byron and Hobby-O : Lord Byron's Relationship Other John Cam Hobhouse. 1
PR4383 .C6 Thomas Cooper, the Chartist: Byron and the 'poets of the poor' / 1
PR4383 .C63 2010 Byron and Bob : Lord Byron's relationship with Robert Southey / 1
PR4383 .J3 Byron and Shelley / 1
PR4383 .M87 A poet and his publisher / 1
PR4383 .P5 1925 Lord Byron, Leigh Hunt and the "Liberal" / 1
PR4383 .S76 2014 The Poet and the Vampyre : the Curse of Byron and the Birth of Literature's Greatest Monsters / 1
PR4383 .W54 1999 Lord Byron and Madame de Staƫl : born for opposition / 1
PR4384 In Byron's Footsteps. 1
PR4384 .B43 2001 Byron and Newstead : the aristocrat and the abbey / 1
PR4384 .E55 2011eb Byron in Geneva : that Summer of 1816 / 1