Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR445 .S36 2021 Infinite variety : literary invention, theology, and the disorder of kinds, 1688-1730 / 1
PR445 .S5 1913 The age of Johnson (1748-1798) / 1
PR445 .S8 1940 The rise of romantic Hellenism in English literature, 1732-1786 / 1
PR445 .S8 1940a The rise of romantic Hellinism in English literature, 1732-1786 / 1
PR445 .W3 The Augustan age : approaches to its literature, life, and thought / 1
PR445 .W4 Augustus Caesar in "Augustan" England : the decline of a classical norm / 1
PR445 .W4 1978eb Augustus Caesar in "Augustan" England : the decline of a classical norm / 1
PR447 The Oxford handbook of British Romanticism /
Romanticism and the Materiality of Nature
Romanticism, gender, and violence : Blake to George Sodini /
Romanticism and the question of the stranger /
The fate of progress in British Romanticism /
On declaring love : eighteenth-century literature and Jane Austen /
Romantic literature and postcolonial studies /
Rethinking British romantic history, 1770-1845 /
Disabling romanticism /
Romanticism, self-canonization, and the business of poetry /
Reading the romantic ridiculous /
The social imagination of the Romantic wife in literature : marriage, virtue, and friendship /
Thought's wilderness : romanticism and the apprehension of nature /
Romantic capabilities : Blake, Scott, Austen, and the new messages of old media /
Transatlantic Transformations of Romanticism : Aesthetics, Subjectivity and the Environment /
British Romanticism and peace /
A history of English romanticism in the eighteenth century /
PR447 .A34 2011 Idleness, contemplation and the aesthetic, 1750-1830 /
Idleness, Contemplation and the Aesthetic, 1750-1830.
PR447 .A37 Romanticism and ideology : studies in English writing, 1765-1830 / 1
PR447 .A37 2016 Romanticism and ideology : studies in English writing 1765-1830 / 1
PR447 .B38 2009 Romanticism, revolution and language : the fate of the word from Samuel Johnson to George Eliot / 1
PR447 .B38 2009eb Romanticism, revolution and language : the fate of the word from Samuel Johnson to George Eliot / 1
PR447 .B4 A history of English romanticism in the eighteenth century / 1
PR447 .B5 1901 A history of English romanticism in the nineteenth century / 1
PR447 .B5 1966 A history of English romanticism in the nineteenth century / 1
PR447 .B55 1949 Guide through the romantic movement. 1
PR447 .B57 Ursprünge der Rheinromantik in England : zur Geschichte der romantischen Ästhetik / 1
PR447 .B6 The ringers in the tower : studies in romantic tradition.
The ringers in the tower; studies in romantic tradition. --
PR447 .B744 2015 Staging romantic chameleons and imposters / 1