Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR4588 .S37 1985 Shaw on Dickens / 2
PR4588 .S5 1932 Dickens / 1
PR4588 .S5 1932b Dickens / 1
PR4588 .S5 1969 Dickens / 1
PR4588 .S55 Dickens 1970 /
Dickens 1970.
PR4588 .S55 1970 Dickens 1970: centenary essays / 1
PR4588 .S64 Dickens and Melville in their time. 2
PR4588 .S7 Dickens: the dreamer's stance. 1
PR4588 .S76 1994 The night side of Dickens : cannibalism, passion, necessity / 1
PR4588 .S78 2006 The nation as invisible protagonist in Dickens and Dostoevsky : uncovering hidden social forces within the text / 1
PR4588 .S9 The narrative art of Charles Dickens : the rhetoric of sympathy and irony in his novels.
The narrative art of Charles Dickens: the rhetoric of sympathy and irony in his novels. --
PR4588 .T47 1976 The Dickens myth : its genesis and structure / 1
PR4588 .T5 1970 Dickens memorial lectures, 1970 / 1
PR4588 .T53 Charles Dickens in seinen Beziehungen zum Ausland. 1
PR4588 .T743 2013 Charles Dickens : David Copperfield/ Great expectations / 1
PR4588 .W45 The confessional fictions of Charles Dickens / 2
PR4588 .W56 2011 The pleasures of memory : learning to read with Charles Dickens / 1
PR4588.W56 2011eb Pleasures of Memory : Learning to Read with Charles Dickens. 1
PR4588 PR4588.C636 2008 A Companion to Charles Dickens. 1
PR4589 .A44 1991 Creating characters with Charles Dickens / 2