Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR461 .C758 1990 Cumulated index to reviews of books on Victorian Studies, 1975-1989 / 1
PR461 .C8 English literature during the last half century / 1
PR461 .C8 1919 English literature during the last half century / 1
PR461 .C8 1923 English literature during the last half-century. 1
PR461 .C83 Leaders of the Victorian revolution / 1
PR461 .C83 1963 Leaders of the Victorian revolution. 1
PR461 .D34 2007 The physiology of the novel : reading, neural science, and the form of Victorian fiction / 1
PR461 .D34 2007eb The physiology of the novel : reading, neural science, and the form of Victorian fiction / 1
PR461 .D35 Victorian noon : English literature in 1850 / 2
PR461 .D35 1979 Victorian Noon English Literature in 1850 / 1
PR461 .D4 Hebrew and Hellene in Victorian England: Newman, Arnold, and Pater / 1
PR461 .D46 2016 Nineteenth-Century British literature then and now : reading with hindsight / 1
PR461 .D47 2014 Nineteenth-Century British literature then and now : reading with hindsight / 1
PR461 .D53 2017 Dialect and literature in the long nineteenth century / 1
PR461 .D8 Shelleyan ideas in Victorian literature / 2
PR461 .E35 2018 The Edinburgh companion to fin-de-siècle literature, culture and the arts / 1
PR461 .E37 2011 Literary celebrity, gender, and Victorian authorship, 1850-1914 / 1
PR461 .F3 Le mouvement esthétique et "décadent" en Angleterre (1873-1900) / 1
PR461 .F35 2013 The Failed Text : Literature and Failure.
Failed text : literature and failure /
PR461 .F47 2020 Reading ideas in Victorian literature : literary content as artistic experience / 2