Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR468.I49 R53 1993 The imperial archive : knowledge and the fantasy of empire / 2
PR468.I49 R66 1998 Romanticism and Colonialism : Writing and Empire, 1780-1830 /
Romanticism and colonialism : writing and empire, 1780-1830 /
PR468.I49 S57 2004 Goodly is our heritage : children's literature, empire, and the certitude of character / 1
PR468.I517 H47 2008 War of no pity : the Indian Mutiny and Victorian trauma / 1
PR468.I52 M38 2003 Child murder and British culture, 1720-1900 / 1
PR468.I53 D68 2002 Victorian afterlives : the shaping of influence in nineteenth-century literature / 1
PR468.K56 B46 2009 Ignorance : literature and agnoiology / 3
PR468.K56 K48 2013 Transfiguring the arts and sciences : knowledge and cultural institutions in the Romantic age / 1
PR468.K56 K48 2013eb Transfiguring the arts and sciences : knowledge and cultural institutions in the Romantic age / 2
PR468.K56 K58 2001 Knowing the past : Victorian literature and culture / 1
PR468 .K65 2021 British literature and the life of institutions : speculative states / 1
PR468.L3 D36 2005 Gender at work in Victorian culture : literature, art and masculinity / 1
PR468.L3 D36 2016 Gender at work in Victorian culture literature, art and masculinity / 1
PR468.L35 G75 2004 Landscape writing and "The condition of England," 1878-1917 : Ruskin to modernism / 1
PR468.L35 L33 1998 Romantic visualities : landscape, gender and romanticism / 1
PR468.L38 Character, Writing, and Reputation in Victorian Law and Literature / 1
PR468.L38 S25 2003 The copywrights : intellectual property and the literary imagination / 1
PR468.L38 S37 2000 Testimony and advocacy in Victorian law, literature, and theology / 1
PR468.L38 S37 2000eb Testimony and advocacy in Victorian law, literature, and theology / 1
PR468.L52 M33 2013 Literature, journalism and liberal culture, 1886-1916 politics and letters / 1